Chapter 21: Need help

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Teresa’s POV

The morning felt calm today, laying beside him, my arms wrapped around him and, my finger trailing patters over his naval and my head resting between the crook of his neck. I lifted my head to look at him, ignoring the fact that I had been laying on him practically with my entire body. His face was shining with the sun peeking through the nearby window, calm and sleeping like a baby. I turned to the nightstand on my left to check the time. It was 5:38 in the morning. I smiled, pecking his lips as the memories of yesterday unfolded like a beautiful dream. But, it was reality. Our reality, and damn the nations to experience such euphoric feeling given by my man to me. Only me.

There were strange butterflies in my stomach when I recalled what he said yesterday. He cares for me. He left whatever he was doing and came to me as soon as he sensed danger lurking around me. Well, I mean I would not deny that I had felt the same about him. I had been feeling the same for him for a very long time now. Maybe from the moment he took me to his home from the party, cared for me, listened to me.

Those were the moments I knew I like him. A hell a lot. Maybe border line loving?

I raised my head to place tender kisses on his forehead, cheeks, nose, and eyes everywhere on his face. I kissed his lips, and he flinched in his sleep, sensing the distress. Such a gorgeous man. I think I will never grow old of kissing him. When I was about to kiss his forehead again, he opened his eyes, looked at me, and smirked. The sleep still lurking in the hazy eyes.

“If this is how my rest of the mornings are going to be, I think I will never sleep.”

Did he just shove the future view into my thin head skull? Maybe! But I felt that knot in my stomach, shouting that nothing is certain in this life, especially in mine.

“Again, you think mighty highly of yourself, Mr McOwen. Get up or you’ll be late for work.” I pushed myself away from his stronghold, only to be held by him even tighter.

“Nah, I don’t think I want to work. How about we stay here all day and repeat the night?”

“I think I oppose doing that,” I said.

His eyes drifted to my lips, and I ruffled his hair. “What’s the hurry? We can have our morning here in bed and I think we should save water and take a bath together?”

He wiggled his eyebrows like a teenager getting a first taste of alcohol. “The hurry is, you and I both have to go to work and you, especially, have to leave early. Go on big boy, get ready.”

It took all my will power to not fall for the pout that formed on his adorable face, like a puppy wanting to play with the owner. I rolled my eyes at how cute he was looking right now, eyes shining in hope as his hand travelled dangerously down on my naked spine. But I brushed off the feeling and gathered myself together with simple kiss on his cheeks before hopping out of bed.

I brushed my teeth, rinse my face and headed to the kitchen. Quickly I heated the pan and grilled some mushrooms, baked some beans. I wanted eggs for myself and toast, so I made it for the two of us. It always happens to me, heavy eating when I feel overwhelmed. Right now, I felt overwhelmed with happiness, as if a butterfly had found the sweetest flower in the entire garden.

Alex’s footsteps made me turn my face to him. I swear my heart stopped for a second as I gave him my widest grin. He kissed my lips, and we ate our breakfast in silence. He had a shitty grin on him till the departure for office, not forgetting the long goodbye kiss at the entrance.


Concentrating during work seemed the hardest thing for the very first time when all I could think about was his soft lips on mine, his hands roaming on my waist or squeezing my breasts, or his fingers and tongue. His touch was so intoxicating that I craved for it more and more. I never knew if someone would have this much effect on me. It was not just the touch we had shared; it was that mutual feeling of belonging to each other. The feeling of having someone, finally, to rely on their shoulder.

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