Bonus chapter

445 18 2

12 years later...

Teresa's POV

"Hey, Aaron, wake up. It's papa's birthday." I said, walking into the room of our firstborn as I shook his shoulders. He whimpered in his sleep, but sat while rubbing his eyes. I rubbed the messy hair from his forehead and patted his head. He yawned and followed me to Reine's room, our second born.

Aaron would turn 12 this year. He and Alex had the same birthdates. This boy was everything I could have wanted... a spiffing image of Alex in all the senses; the honey brown almond-shaped eyes with a sharp jaw like Alex's and Alex's mouth structure. Not only that- Aaron was as hardworking as his father; always aware of his responsibility. The only physical feature he had from me was his nose, and I was grateful to God that at least some of my features were reflected in his. Other than the vast amount of personality traits he had adapted from Alex, one thing he got from me was his liveliness. Aaron was just so... vivacious.

Aaron followed me to Reine's room with soft steps on the floor. She was 4 years old and already standing up to the meaning of her name. She was the 'queen' of this house... and, of course, Alex's heart. When she was born, he told me that he never knew he could love any other girl more than he loved me. The toddler was living her life to the fullest, exploring and identifying her personality. I know I shouldn't say that- but she was more troublesome than Aaron. We had to soften every edge of the furniture, hide anything that could harm her, and she found things to break; sometimes herself too. No matter how much cautious we had been, she always had ways to harm herself.

Once she was jumping on the trampoline, Alex gifted her and rather than jumping on it, she jumped out of it and broke her arm. I rolled my eyes as I recalled Alex crying like a baby when she cries and shouted 'papa'. He was such a softie for Reine.

But I couldn't blame him. Fatherly instincts for a son are entirely different from fatherly instincts for a daughter.

Quitely we went into her room. I lit up the side lamp and gasped. "Is it papa's birthday now? Can we surprise him, mommy?"

She was jumping on her bed, all dressed up in her princess dress with a stuffed elephant in her hands. I smiled and took her in my arms. "yes. Let's go. Aaron, go get the cake from the kitchen fast."

"No need, Teresa, I have it," Elizabeth said, holding the cake in her hands.

She had become a family, and I couldn't be more thankful to God for sending her into our life. Even the children call her granny. She had been this much involved with us.

I nodded, putting a finger on my lips as I looked at Reine to keep quiet. She giggled but pursed her lips together, holding a birthday card in her hands.

Alex had been sleeping since 8 pm. He came from London in the evening and after taking a quick shower and meeting the children; he took some rest. Now, it was a few seconds to midnight and all four of us stood in front of our room, Reine clutching the hem of my shirt. Aaron, Reine, and I sat on the bed with feather-light quietness, surrounding Alex with our presence. He was so peaceful with closed eyes; his chest rising and falling rhythmically as laid on his back. Elizabeth stood at the edge of the bed. I looked at Reine as I mouthed the words.




"Kissing attack!"

I and Reine lunged ourselves on both the sides of Alex's ribs as we both kissed his face. I chuckled when I saw Reine giving Alex sloppy kisses; the saliva sticking on his cheeks.

He shifted in his sleep, and that was my cue to move to plan two. I looked at Aaron, amusement gleaming in his eyes. I pulled Reine away from Alex and placed my mouth to his right ear, as Aaron pushed his lips to Alex's left year, his mild snoring reaching our eyes.



Aaron and I shouted together.

Alex shot his eyes open, jerking upwards as his eyes went wide; searching for words and roaming through the entire room. Once his breathing became normal and the high of his shock came down, he gave us the famous angry death glare. He opened his mouth and stopped as Reine wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheeks. Aaron sat on the other side and hugged Alex as well.

"Happy birthday, papa." They both said in unison.

I felt my heart jumping out of my ribs at the sight before me. It had become our tradition to surprise him at midnight for his birthday-every time with a new idea. He hugged the children tightly, pulling them against his chest as his eyes looked at me.

"Happy birthday, Monsieur McOwen," Elizabeth said from the corner, handing the cake to me. Alex looked at her and nodded.

"Thank you, Elizabeth. And once again, for the millionth time, call me Alex."

She smiled and strolled out of the room. I sat at the corner of the bed, Reine sitting on Alex's lap and Aaron at the side with arms tugged around Alex's abs. A vicious grin spread over my lips at the view of my family, as I lit the candle on the cake and put it in the middle of us. Being the ultimate child, Renie came forward and clapped her hands, jumping up and down with a squeal.

"Keep quiet, you crow," Aaron said to Renie, for which she stuck her tongue out at her brother.

I ignored both of them. "Happy birthday, choco pie," I said.

Alex smiled and blew the candle as I took the cake to the nearest table. Aaron followed me, trying to steal the cake for which I scolded him. All four of us settled on the bed. Aaron to my right, Reine to his right, followed by Alex at the other corner of the bed.

Amidst the peace of our time, Renie showed Alex her birthday card, which he kept on the nightstand as if it was the painting worth more than Monalisa itself. With a hesitant look, Aaron slid his hand into his pocket and withdrew a rectangular box. He handed the box to Alex.

Alex's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "This is for you, papa. I hope you will like it." Aaron said with a shy smile.

I ruffled his hair, kissing the top of his head.

Alex unwrapped the gift and pulled out a watch with a blue dial and silver strap. OH! The realization was drawn up to me, and my heart swelled with proudness. Aaron had been saving money for this watch for months, and for that, he washed Alex's car daily or did any house chores Elizabeth had asked for in return for money. I bit my lower lip to contain the tears falling down my eyes. My baby is so mature and understanding.

"I love it, buddy. I love it. Come here, give papa a hug." Alex said, making Aaron jump into his arms.

Soon, the room lights went dim and all four of us settled into our seats as we watched a video I made for Alex as his birthday surprise from me.


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