Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The bell rang signalling class was over and it was lunch finally! I grabbed my book bag and Emma's hand and ran out of mrs. Gordon's boring English class.

"Whoa slow down I'm just as exited to eat as you are but I'd like to get there without face planting and busting my lip open again thanks." Emma pulled me back so we could walk a little slower.

The memory of Emma on the first day of school flashes into my memory causing me to burst out laughing again. I could see her roll her eyes before opening her locker and shoving mine and her stuff in and taking out our lunches. My locker wouldn't open so she had to share her locker with me today.

I was still laughing when we enters the caff and sat with the boys, Selena and Amanda. Everyone was staring at me like I was crazy and Emma was just shaking her head at me.

"FOR GOD SAKES IT WASN'T EVEN THAT FUNNY!!!" She yelled at me. I continue laughing until Niall spoke up.

"What's happened?"

"Nothing!!" Emma yelled at him. He put his hands up in surrender.

"On the first day if school..." I tried saying but just continued laughing.

"Don't even try to say it!" Emma yelled putting her hand over my mouth. I suck my tung out and licked her hand knowing it would get her off because she is a huge germaphobe.

"Ewwwww" she shrieked opening her lunch to get out hand sanitizer and napkins to wash my spit off her hand.

The whole table was staring at us so I decided to tell then the story.

"Ok.. *laughs* so on the first day of school *laughs* Emma was at my locker on the second floor we were sitting next to each other on the ground when the bell rang. *laughs* she got up and ran up the stairs to homeroom cause she was going to be late but when she got outside her class *laughs harder* she realised she forgot her phone *laughs again* so she sprinted back down the stairs but she slipped and fell down the whole flight. *Laughs* Her lips was swelled and cut and her nose was bleeding it was hilarious!" The whole table burst out laughing as she grimaced.

"Did she really do that?!" Niall laughed harder.

"Yeah yeah it happened it's over with. can we eat now!!??" She yelled getting annoyed by us laughing at her terrible memory.

After we quieted down we all went back to eating and started a new conversation. I took my sandwich out of my bag and started eating while Zayn's arm was around my waist as he held a conversation with Harry. The bell went off right when I finished my sandwich.

Every one said there goodbyes and walked off towards class. Me and Zayn had art this period. I hugged Emma goodbye and walked off with Zayn to art.

"Erm Shannon I have to use the.. washroom can I meet you at art?"

Zayn asked nervously I nodded my head and pecked him on the cheek and headed to art. What was he so nervous about?.

*after school*

Stupid maths. When am I ever gonna need to use 11+34.78% - x \ h * 1290 in my life?? In frustration I threw my book onto my bed and walked over to my desk taking the phone from its charger and checking my texts

6 new messages*

1- Zaynie <33

4- klutz


1- unknown number

Who the hell is that?

I opened his first and read

Heyyyyyyyyy shortie! I stole your number from Zaynie poo bc I'm fucking awesome like dat. -Sexeh Lou

Oh Louis. Erm ok. I saved his number and looked at Emma's (also known as klutz)

From: klutz

Shannon x

From: klutz

Shannon x

From: klutz

Shannon x

From: klutz


From: straight

Can't you be normal and just say hey for once?? x

Seconds later I got a reply

From: klutz

I think we've established I'm not Normal x

From: straight

What did ya want anyways??

From: klutz

Nothin I was bored but now I'm not so BYEEEEEEE

From: straight

-_- I hate you

From: klutz


I chuckled at her response and looked at Zayn's message

From: Zaynie <33

I know it's 6 pm but meet me in the school auditorium now Xx

Why would he want to meet me at school now? This message was sent at 6 it's now 6:15 shit.

I threw on some random toms grabbed my bag and jacket and sprinted out of the house and into the car.

From: Shannon <33

On my way x


Why must every chapter I write be so fluffy and short?!?!?! Anyways finally updated! Hope you liked it even though it was shit! Oh and sorry about all the texting messages I needed to make it somewhat longer. Anyways thanks for reading :)


Beauty and the BadBoy (Zayn Malik Fanfiction) *Not finished and In Editing*Where stories live. Discover now