Chapter 12 -- The Rescue

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A plan gone awry! While trying to negotiate peace in the distant reaches of her system, the Duchess Kryze of Mandalore has been captured by Mandalorian extremists! Jedi Knight Rokanh and her clone forces now attempt a rescue for the Duchess, fearing that their failure could mean a war on a second front for the Jedi and Republic, a risk they cannot afford.

They called for speeder bikes and reinforcements as they waited, telling the extra ten men that had touched down on the surface to stay outside, on high alert. “We’re trying to be inconspicuous, though I have a feeling that’s getting more impossible by the minute,” Taska gave a short explanation through the comms. “Try not to get into any fights with the locals, if you can.”

As they were building their plan—slowly, but it was still coming along—they finally received the coordinates that the terrorists, as they had decided to call them, had stopped at.
“It appears to be a sparsely wooded area with several tunnels in the nearby cliffside,” Blackeye, who had remained respectfully quiet as his superior officers schemed, reported, allowing them to see a projection of the land.

“I don’t have a very good history with underground passageways,” Taska frowned, and Ace did as well. “We’d best be on our way. We can’t waste much more time.”

“I don’t think they’ll kill her,” Ursa offered, though she had retreated to her throne and showed no intention of leaving.

“Well, I don’t think it’s worth leaving her life to chance,” Taska replied briskly, motioning for the others to follow her out of the palace. “Good day, Countess.”

* * *

“I want Tuck’s squad to hang back a bit,” Taska said as they rode, now wearing proper goggles to guard against the wind. “Don’t want to scare them too badly.”

“Yes, sir,” Tuck answered, his squad slowing down and spreading out through the trees as the others began to be able to see the cliffs they were looking for at the edge of the forest.

“What tunnel should we enter through, Blackeye?” Taska asked over her shoulder, chin tipped toward the sky as she took in the terrain.

“That’s more, uh, a question for Ranger, sir,” Blackeye answered meekly.

“From the coordinate data provided by Blackeye’s tracker, they should be somewhere between points 31.167.81 and 31.167’5.94,” Ranger told the group. “The tunnel system isn’t very well mapped, but that one,” he pointed to the east, at a tunnel near the middle of the cliff. “Looks promising.”

“Then let’s get climbing,” Taska gave the command, already pulling a grappling hook from the bag attached to her speeder.

When they reached the specified tunnel and stepped in, at first there appeared to be nothing.

“Should we send a few men to scout out the path, sir—” Ace asked, before being cut off by Taska’s raised hand.

“No one move.” Everyone obeyed their general’s command, not even shifting a boot as she tilted her head slightly.

“Do you hear that?”

“Hear what, sir?” Rom asked quietly.

“Footsteps, and… maybe someone talking. It’s down this tunnel quite a ways, but I think they’re on the same level as us,” Taska explained, already moving silently down the corridor. “Good choice, Ranger.”

Following the lead of their Jedi, the men crept through the tunnel, beginning to notice bits of ship parts or blankets scattered along the naturally formed halls. Eventually, they began to hear the same voices she did.

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