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We made it to the end! 

Oh my gosh, it's been almost a full year of regular publishing, and I couldn't be more proud that every chapter and extra was ready on time for you readers!


I need more time to work on new releases. However, since I am far from sane and left to my own devices I will commit creative crimes, you have more content, in the form of a Tumblr account by the URL of .

As a disclaimer, I do have a lot of content ready to post but updates will likely not be regular. I have some more time to write with the holidays coming up but after that I'm going to have a lot more work to do. I ask that you please be patient with me while I try my best to work through things and keep my creativity (and hopefully avoid burnout, which we all know is inevitable).

Your readership means a lot to me, and I really hope you'll follow me over to Tumblr if you have an account, or make one if you don't!

Stay safe out there (and on the Internet), and may the Force be with you.

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