Chapter 13- Black and White

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:-:Five Years Ago:-:

"(yn) (yn)!!"

I glance up from my book as Varian bursts through the doors of the study. I smile as I see my best friend. "Varian!" I happily exclaim. I quickly set my book down and run over to the village boy.

"You'll never believe what I was able to do!" Varian reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small bouquet of forget-me-nots. "Normally these flowers die at the start of fall, but I was able to bring them back in the middle of winter!" He proudly states.

I gaze at the tiny blue flowers in awe. "Woah...was it magic?"

Varian crosses his small arms over his chest. "Nu-uh! It was the power of alchemy!!"

"Really? How'd you do it? You have to teach me sometime."

Varian's blue eyes light up. "You want to know about alchemy?"

I tilt my head, confused. "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"

"The other kids think science is weird. They don't talk to me because they think I'm a freak." The boy sadly admits.

I gaze at my friend sadly, feeling bad that nobody wanted to be his friend. What's not to love about a smart, freckled alchemist? I quickly hug Varian to try and cheer him up. "Don't listen to them, Var. They're probably just jealous of your natural genius." I smile at him. "Besides, I think alchemy is amazing! Just look at those flowers you brought to life! They're beautiful!"

Varian blushes and he smiles.

"Varian," Qurin says, poking his head through the door. "We have to go. A snowstorm is blowing in and we have to get home before it hits."

Varian nods. "Okay, dad!"

Once his father leaves Varian looks back at me. He holds the forget-me-nots. "Here."

I gasp. "You want me to have them?"

"Yeah, so you don't forget me." Varian giggles. "Pun not intended. One day you'll get to leave this castle, and when you do, I'll teach you alchemy and we'll go on amazing adventures together. You and me." He smiles.

I smile back and take the flowers. "I can't wait."

"Varian, come on!" Qurin calls from down the hall.

Varian clumsily bows to me. "Until we meet again, m'lady." He says before putting on his coat and dashing out the door.

A tiny bit of pink spreads across my cheeks as I watch him leave. I look down at the forget-me-nots in my hand and place them inside my book.

I gently close the cover.

:-:Present Day:-:



Varian turns off the drill we had built to free Quirin and pulls up his goggles. He rubs his eyes. "Is the drill working?" I could see the desperate look in his expression.

Since coming to Old Corona a week ago, I could tell Varian was slowly coming undone. He had become impatient, irritable, and exhausted. While Varian normally got excited over his alchemy and found joy in his hobby, now it was only a job. A job to fix his mistake. Varian was either going to get results or meet his breaking point. I was beginning to discover that there was no in-between.

Forget-Me-Not (Varian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now