The Secret is Out pt. 3

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Author's Note:

Thank you to everyone for reading and commenting this is the last part of this one shot and after this I promise to actually make them one shots rather than having them 3 parts. Also I want to dedicate this chapter to @edser3q2. Thank you for always reading and commenting it means a lot. Enjoy reading!

Serkan's POV:

You know when life takes you through a roller coaster and you don't know what to do. Yeah that's me right now. I arrived at Alp's apartment an hour ago and all I can do is just sit down and think of everything that Eda told me. Even after listening to everything she said in my mind she was wrong to go to Alp and not me. I know Alp helped her but I could've done that too I could've done more yet she chose him. She never even bothered to tell me from the start I had to find out when she was on the phone. Would she have even ever told me? Why can't someone I love for once stick with me? Why do they all have to be lying? Everyone might think I'm crazy for doubting her after everything but honestly hear me out. When you're ignored or neglected half of the time and just end up having to go through things on your own it's hard to trust people. Then if the person you trusted turned out to lie to you then you start to feel like your whole world is crumbling down and you can't do anything to stop it from happening. I stayed up all night thinking about these thoughts until I looked on my phone and saw that it's 9am. I decided to take a day off from work so that I can be able to talk to Ipek today without having to worry about anything. I decided to text Ipek rather than call her since I don't feel like I'm ready to speak about it yet.

Serkan: Hey Ipek, do you think you can meet me at Alp's apartment in an hour? It's an urgent matter.

Ipek: Hey Serkan, I'll be there in an hour. But what is so urgent that we have to meet.

Serkan: uh I don't know how to say this....

Ipek: Serkan, just say it you know you can tell me anything.

Serkan: I can't do this through text all I can say right now is that it concerns Alp.

Ipek: ALP? Alright I'll be there as soon as possible.

Ipek came right away and it made me admire her for how much she loved Alp even after his death.


Ipek: Serkan what's going on, you're making me worried.

Serkan: Look, there are a lot of things I found out today that are just too much for me to keep to myself.

**Ipek goes and sits next to him on the couch and starts to rub his back**

Ipek: Alright, well how about you start slowly and just explain what's going on.

Serkan: Do you remember the day Alp broke up with you?

Ipek: yeah *voice crack* that was one of the worst days of my life.

Serkan: I'm sorry for what I'm about to tell you, but basically when he broke up with you it was for him to save Eda, a person that I've loved since I was a child. He tried to protect her and help get us together but by doing that he had to sacrifice his love for you. Eda needed to escape from a troubling life and her only way without dying would be to get help from Alp. When Alp broke up with you, he had to marry her in order to keep both her and us safe. And um yeah that's the whole story. I'm truly sorry Ipek I didn't know until last night.

Ipek: Uh, honestly Serkan it hurts me to know that your brother did that and that he never mentioned a thing, I just want to know with this information what are you planning on doing.

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