The Arranged Marriage Part 1

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*Warning if you are fasting, please read this after you break your fast. Happy 15th Day of Ramadan! I wrote this after I broke my fast which is why it may have some curse words toward the end.

                        Life is hard as it is through all the ups and downs. The stress of running a multimillion-dollar company was nothing Eda was not used to yet when she was told about having an arranged marriage now that was a whole other story. Eda Yildiz and love were polar opposites, and can never be used in a sentence together. In her mind love was a distraction and would destroy everything she worked hard to build. She believes that her parents would set her up with any guy they know that would want to fall in love and create a family. Little does she know that she is being set up with the coldhearted Bachelor of Istanbul, Serkan Bolat. He is the most respectable and kindhearted person but only to the people that know him. After being tragically hurt in the past he closed the topic of love forever, and he became a coldhearted person that acts all tough on the outside. No one ever knows what he's like on the inside. Everyone thinks he's incapable of loving someone, what they don't know is that's all he ever wanted. To be loved. Serkan's family has never been close with him, they've been traveling all the time for business so he's always had a nanny. Because of troubling pasts both of their hearts are as guarded as a prison. No one can enter it.

                   Today Eda had a busy day at the office preparing for one of her biggest clients. She was in love with jewelry and decided to break free from the family and do jewelry design instead of architecture. This has caused some problems with her parents but things have started to become easier now. The Yildiz family are co-partners and best friends with the Bolats, however, because Eda studied abroad most of her life she was never close with them. Meaning she has never met Serkan before. After her busy day, she had to head to her parent's house where she promised to have dinner. She was physically and mentally exhausted that she thought she would doze off any second, however, all that changed with the news her father stated. After a simple dinner, her parents mentioned that they wanted to talk to her. "Eda sweety you know we love you and want what's best for you right?" her parents questioned. "Of course, what's up?" she tiredly replied. "Look we let you live your life the way you wanted to but I'm retiring soon and so is Alptekin Bolat. For you to be able to get the shares of this company you need to marry his son Serkan Bolat" her parents hesitantly stated. "What the actual heck? I don't want to get married, especially not to some stranger that I have never met. I don't care about the company, I don't want anything from it" she exclaimed with rage. "EDA YILDIZ THIS IS NOT A CHOICE I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU DESTROY SOMETHING I'VE WORKED FOR MY WHOLE LIFE. THIS COMPANY IS NOT ONLY THE BOLAT'S IT'S OURS TOO I'VE SPENT TOO MANY YEARS OF MY LIFE TO LET IT GO TO WASTE JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T WANT TO GET MARRIED. THIS IS NOT A CHOICE THIS IS A DECISION YOU WILL GET MARRIED TO HIM IN A WEEK SO DEAL WITH IT" her father yelled. Eda stayed silent in shock when her father yelled at her, this was the first time she had seen him angry and frustrated with her. She cursed herself and just said ok and walked away. Right, when she entered the car she broke down in tears cursing Serkan Bolat for doing this to her. Even without meeting him, she believes that he is the reason for all of her troubles. "Fuck you Serkan Bolat, I will make sure you regret this marriage and ask for a divorce. You will know not to mess with Eda Yildiz" she told herself. What does it mean to fall in love with someone you have never met? After calming down she drove home and drowned herself in work, the only thing that can make her forget about the shitty day she has had.

                      While Eda was dealing with that Serkan was experiencing a calmer day. He had just come back from London for a business trip so he decided to go home rather than head to the company. On his way home from the airport he received a call from his mom asking him to come over because she and his dad have something important to discuss with him. With a heavy sigh and deep breath, he reversed and drove straight to his parent's house. When he entered he saw Seyfi he hugged him and they caught up on what they both missed out on. Seyfi and Serkan have been close; they could both rant to each other about anything but mostly his mom. Anyone that met Aydan Bolat immediately knows how much of a hassle handling her is like. After talking with Seyfi for a bit he goes and greets his parents. "So son thank you for coming, I'll get straight to the point because I know you must be tired from your trip. Moustafa Yildiz is retiring in the next couple of days and as you know he doesn't have a son he only has a daughter. Meaning that for him to still receive his shares you will need to get married to his daughter Eda. Since I'm also retiring you and Eda will have to handle everything relating to the companies and because it's 50/50 you have to decide everything together. This isn't just a marriage on paper you are going to have to convince the press that you are together and..." his father says, before his father can continue Serkan interrupts him and says "Yes father, I get it this will have to be believable, so when do we get married". His parents looked at him shocked, they assumed that Serkan will go crazy and argue. After staring in shock for a couple of minutes they recomposed themselves, "You get married in a week but you will meet her in two days at the company where you will discuss everything with your father, her father and her" his mother replied softly. "Alright, well I'm feeling tired so I'm gonna go, see you guys soon! Bye!" he said. Serkan walked to his car with a bunch of thoughts on how this marriage will work out. He didn't want to show it to his parents but he didn't care about this marriage at all; he knows that love and care only hurt him in the end. To save himself time from arguing with his dad he agreed. The whole ride home he kept thinking about how Eda was feeling about this marriage. He knew he was being pushed into this marriage but he couldn't help feeling bad that she might have to go through this when she doesn't want to just because of her gender. He thought that it was stupid that just because she is a woman doesn't mean that she isn't capable of running a company without marriage. When he went home he sat on his computer and searched "Eda Yildiz" wanting to know everything about her. Serkan was fascinated by the number of achievements she's done at such a young age. He couldn't help feeling proud of her knowing that in less than a week she would be his wife. Even without knowing her, Serkan knew that this marriage wouldn't be as bad as he thought. Maybe this was the little part he needed in his life to fix him, he thought. Little did he know he was wrong. This marriage would be worse than he thought.

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. It was really fun writing it, sorry it was late. I write these at night and these last couple of days I've been feeling drained so I wasn't able to write anything. Please leave a comment about what you liked, didn't like, or want to see. Make sure you vote! Thank you!

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