Chapter 36: Finding Peace

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"Jungkookie, what are you still doing up there?" Taehyung groaned in exasperation, standing at the foot of their apartment's staircase with a diaper bag tightly clutched in his hand, and his other free hand placed on his waist, as he stood akimbo with a crumpled expression on his face.

"I'm sorry, baby, Areumie doesn't want to wear her shoes, we are coming down now," Taehyung heard Jungkook's voice boom in form of a response to him, and he sithed even more wearily.

He decided to just go and take his seat on the couch, to wait for his Fiancé as his wobbly, legs ached badly now that he was almost at the end of the third trimester of his pregnancy.

Jungkook had proposed to him, two days after he brought back the news of his pregnancy from his obstetrician, and he concluded his master's program in music and film production. Taehyung had been elated and overjoyed when he came home one day from his job, as a fashion designer at the Tokyo fashion institute, to see the house romantically, and dimly lit, only for him to find Jungkook in a fancy suit, and his hair gelled back, to give him a sexy, da-gorgeous overall appearance, with their kid away at Namjoon and Seokjin's and a ring placed on their dining table. The older couple had also moved to Japan, three years after Taehyung and Jungkook settled down in the large city.

Occasionally, they helped babysit each other's kids, when the other person was too busy.

"I'm sorry, baby," Jungkook said, climbing down the staircase with the cheerful Areum situated securely in his arms, and waving her chubby hands happily at her other parent.

Taehyung just groaned in reply, and held out his hand for Jungkook to help him up.

"Thanks, babe," Taehyung huffed, waddling behind Jungkook, with his hands intertwining their daughter's dainty ones, and making silly faces at the child causing her to giggle.

They then prodded downstairs to the underground garage adjoined to their apartment to head over to the hospital for Taehyung's final check up before their baby arrived.

"Papa, when is Minnie going to come out?" Areum asked, now carefully strapped in her carseat, and sitter at the owner's seat of the car.

"When he is ready to come out, baby, tell him to come out soon, I'm also eager to meet him," Taehyung sighed, managing a small smile at his daughter.

Taehyung, with Jungkook's permission, had named their unborn child, Minhyuk, Minnie, for short. To remind him of a certain remarkable person in his life, even though his guts told him not to, he just couldn't get rid of Jimin like that.

At least, he didn't need drugs and therapists on a daily basis anymore. He was very thankful for that.

"If you keep saying that baby, you might just pop out right now," Jungkook scoffed at him fondly, expertly maneuvering the steering wheel.

"I will take that, literally." Taehyung countered, to which Jungkook just shook his head at the other male, interlocking their hands together.

"Don't worry yourself too much, petal, he's going to come out healthy, and quicker than you expect, I want you to know that you're doing a great job keeping him safe," Jungkook muttered, and pecked Taehyung's hand.

"I love you," Taehyung mouthed to Jungkook.

"I love you too, Angel," Jungkook said back, and Taehyung turned crimson red. Jungkook's public display of love-filled words, and touches still made him extremely shy, even after making two kids with the older male, and literally being together for almost seven years in the same house.

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