Chapter 9: Surprises and Struggles

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Tae froze when he heard his mum's voice calling him fondly by his nickname.

"TT, Welcome!" She said and hugged Taehyung who was still frozen in his position and didn't hug back.

"Aren't you happy we are back?" His father asked after observing his attitude.

"No, Dad, I'm very happy to see you guys, I'm just shocked to see you guys come back earlier," He said, and pulled them into a hug taking extra care not to nudge his bump on either of them.

"Your mum was missing you so much, that's why we had to come back early," His dad gruffed nonchalantly.

"TT, you look really pretty, you have this glow and it seems you've gained weight and that's strange." His mum observed with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Oh, no!" The brunette thought. Taehyung knew it was only a matter of time before his mum would discover his secret.

"The food, my God!" Taehyung's mum, Junhee exclaimed and dashed into the kitchen.

Taehyung's dad just shook his head and concentrated on his newspaper.

"I made your favorite food," Mrs Kim beamed.

"Tada!" She opened the dish and his favorite kimbap stew and tofu was there looking so appetizing.

"It looks so delicious and the aroma is nice too," His dad complimented.

"If only I wasn't pregnant, I would probably say the same thing," Taehyung thought sadly.

"How am I going to eat this? It smells so disgusting to me, I can't stand the taste so how am I going to even eat it?" He pondered.

"What are you doing TT?"

"Sit down," His mum commanded.

He sat down and his mum dished out the food for them.

He said his thanks and looked at the food as if it could bite him.

"I can do this," He encouraged himself and took a spoonful of the kimchi stew.

He gulped down the first spoon down successfully and internally praised himself.

"Not bad," He thought and continued drinking it happily.

He felt bile rush in his throat and tried to swallow it back down which failed.

"Tae--" His mom words were cut short when she was how her son's face had become ghostly pale.

"Oh my God! TT, are you okay?" She asked.

He nodded which was a wrong move as the lump came back and in one swift move he dashed to the bathroom.

Instantly, his mum was at his back calming him down.

"Easy," She said and handed him a bottle of water to rinse off the taste in his mouth.

His dad looked at him suspiciously and patted his back.

"I knew something was up with you that's why I couldn't be at ease in Greece," His mum sighed.

"I'm sure it's just a fever mum," The brunette said and gave his mum a weak smile.

"You need to get some sleep," She said and helped him to his bed.

She stayed with Taehyung until he fell into a deep sleep.


Taehyung felt so bad and eventually he made up his mind to come clean with my parents, He planned on telling his mum first.


Taehyung had still not gotten any better and he was sure his Dad was starting to guess something was terribly wrong somewhere judging from the suspicious glares he gave the brunette whenever he made his hourly visits to the bathroom.

"That's it, TT, you're going to the hospital." Junhee said after watching her son cling onto the toilet for the fifth time that day.

Taehyung tried to protest but she wouldn't have any of it.

"If you don't want to go to the hospital, then at least take this," His dad said and tossed him a packet of something.

Taehyung's eyes tripled in size when on a closer look, he saw that it was a pregnancy test kit.

"I'm not taking this," Taehyung yelled and his mum looked at me with scared eyes clearly taken aback.

"Why wouldn't you?" He asked .

Taehyung didn't have a valid reason, so he just kept mute.

"TT, just take it, okay?, let's prove him wrong," Taehyung's mum urged and proceeded to give him the packet which was flung carelessly on the floor.

"Take it all this tantrum you're throwing makes me think my suspicion is correct," My dad growled.

"Fine, I'm pregnant," Taehyung yelled out and instantly, his mum started crying while his Dad stormed to his room in anger.

Taehyung knew he was completely done for.

Taehyung moved to the sofa opposite his mum and put his head in his hands and cried freely.

To the brunette's surprise, his mum shifted closer to me and hugged him, as they both held each other and wept.

"How many weeks gone are you?" She asked wiping her son's tears gently.

"I'm three months gone," Taehyung answered.

"TT, you should've told me,I'm your mum for heaven's sake," She scolded.

"Until when were you planning to hide it?" She asked.

"Mum, you're not mad?" Taehyung asked in a whisper.

"Silly, I'm mad but I can't abandon you and my grandchild, you can go back to school after you have your child," She said and smiled which brought immense relief to Taehyung.

"Who's the Dad?" She asked.

"He's a senior,"

"Does he know?"

Taehyung nodded in response.

"How did he react?"

"He reacted well surprisingly, he can't wait for the baby to be here," Taehyung smiled and stroked his belly gently.

He worried about his dad.

"Mum, what will dad think of me?"

"I'm his only hope after Hyung died years ago, he must be so disappointed with me," Taehyung wept on my mum's shoulder.

"I'll talk to him, okay?"

"He's just acting up, I'll help you talk to him, he'll come around soon," Taehyung's mom said and pecked his stomach and head.

Taehyung hugged her again and the mother and son duo remained in that position for a while.

"Mum, I have something to show you," Taehyung grinned.

He then disengaged from the hug and went to his room to retrieve the sonogram.

"Here," Taehyung said and gave his mom.

"My God, my Baby is having a baby," She beamed.

"It's so beautiful," She said and started crying again.

"I'll like to meet your boyfriend's parents and your boyfriend too," She concluded and cleaned her tears.

Taehyung's cheeks tinted pink when she referred to Jungkook as his boyfriend.

The brunette nodded, and hugged his mom one more time before standing up to retire to his room.

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