Chapter 10: Bonding time

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Jungkook smiled to himself as he imagined himself and Taehyung as parents, he thought it  would be so cute, in a few months time,a mini him or Taehyung would be there and Jungkook really couldn't wait.

Jungkook grabbed his phone as it vibrated, he checked and saw it was a message from Taehyung.

Tae doll 💞💫

Hi, Hyung, thanks for the other day.

Are you and your family free this weekend?

If you are, my parents would like to meet yours.

Say my hi to uncle and aunty.

Byeeee 😊🥰


Text me the time later.

By the way, are you free this afternoon?

If you are, let's hangout.🤭

Almost immediately, Taehyung replied and said he was free to which the ravenette replied with an okay.

Jungkook then grabbed his jacket and headed to Taehyung's house, in about thirty minutes, Jungkook arrived at Taehyung's house.

Taehyung ushered him in cheerfully, the pregnant male looked so pretty, with his cheeks a bit plumper but still managing to blow Jungkook away with his unrealistic face.

"Come in," Taehyung said holding the door.

Jungkook noticed that Taehyung's belly looked bigger than it was the week before even through the baggy grey hoodie and sweatpants the younger male was adorned in.

They both sat in the silence with Jungkook's eyes imprinted on Taehyung throughout.

Jungkook wanted to confess to the younger male soon, but he didn't want Taehyung thinking he was confusing just because of the baby between them.

The ravenette wanted Taehyung to properly get used to his presence before he popped the question.

"Hyung, my parents just left to their workplace." Taehyung stated after a while.

"Oh, okay," Jungkook mumbled unsuredly as silence engulfed them again.

"I'll be right back." Taehyung said and made to leave the room.

"Tae, wait," Jungkook said as he grabbed Taehyung's arm lightly leading the brunette to halt in his steps.

"Uhm, I just wanted to say hi to our little bean." Jungkook mumbled as he scratched his nape shyly.

"Can I?" He trudged further.

Taehyung nodded and lifted his shirt up himself as Jungkook stared adoring at the creamy expanse of the younger male's slightly swollen belly.

Jungkook noticed that Taehyung's abs had now complete diminished and his belly had juted out.

"Hi, baby, it's your dad, this is the first time we are really interacting." Jungkook grinned.

Taehyung stroked Jungkook's hair unconsciously as the elder male continued his little interaction with their baby.

"I love you so much,even though you're not here yet, Papa and I love you so much already, so just grow happily in there, we can't wait to meet you and swaddle you with our immense love." Jungkook cooed as little tears itched at the corner of his eyes.

Jungkook thought it was funny as the baby wasn't even there yet but had him wrapped around his or her tiny fingers.

Jungkook then stood up to hug Tae with a leap of faith which startled the younger male at first, but he hugged the ravenette back, the older male then pecked Taehyung's forehead and the pregnant male closed his eyes letting his long eyelashes flutter on his pale cheeks.

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