Chapter 5:How babies are made(18+)

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This part contains smut so you can skip if you don't wanna read it
So let's get ittttttttttt......
This is my first time writing smuts so..

*N.B:This chapter is about the night Taekook met

Taehyung gulped down his third drink as he sighed frustratingly.

"I should be with my books now,what was I thinking? Following that midget to a party,"

"I'm sure he's somewhere now with that Yoongi Hyung," Tae mumbled to himself.

He tried calling his number again but he was directed to the voicemail just like before.

He stood up to look for Jimin,He was staggering as he was on his way he felt his head hit a hard object.

He looked at the"object"and saw it was his longtime crush,Jeon Jungkook

"Hi, cutie, look where you are going," The older said as he looked down and smirked at the brunette.

"Uhm..I'm sorry," Tae stuttered and bowed his head embarrassingly

"It's okay,let's have a drink together," The ravenette said ushering Tae to an empty table.

"But..I-I......" Taehyung started, but was cut off by Jungkook.

"Just one drink, hmmm, please," He said with the most adorable pout ever.

"Ok..okay just one drink," Taehyung muttered.

They sat at the table and Jungkook beckoned to a server to pour some drinks for them.

They talked about themselves to each other.
Taehyung soon forgot about his search for Jimin and was deeply engrossed with his chat with the older

They had one, two, three up to five drinks together,The younger was completely drunk by now because he had very low alcohol tolerance

Unlike Jungkook who was just a little tipsy.

"Tae, don't you need to go home now? It's kinda getting late," Jungkook said to Taehyung.

"I'm fine," Taehyung waved Jungkook's concern away as a perverted thought brew in his mind.

"Let's go then," The older male said, and Tae made grabby hands.

As Jungkook made to help Taehyung up, the younger "unknowingly" rubbed his butt on the ravenette crotch which made Jungkook bite his lips to avoid groaning at the delicious contact.

But unknown to him, the younger was doing it intentionally.

Taehyung repeated his lustful actions again and Jungkook couldn't help but get turned on by him, the younger turned around, and tiptoed to place a lust filled kiss on the taller's lips.

Jungkook though surprised by the action at first had initially wanted to just push the younger away from him, and get a grip on himself but his dick was not in agreement with him as it suddenly twitched in his pants and ached for a release in a warm tight place.

He then reciprocated the younger's actions with greater fervor as both males fought for dominance as Jungkook easily won the battle.

Jungkook then stopped for a while as he stifled the urge to chuckle at the confused look on Taehyung's pretty face,he looked so gorgeously wrecked as he stared back at the taller with his plump rosy lips kissed to stupor which made them bigger and the first two buttons of his shirts had also gone missing by their display of passion.

"Why did you stop?" Taehyung whined, but Jungkook just smiled as he took the younger's smaller hand in his as they both scurried away from the large crowd in the sitting room to get a room so as to be able to quench the fire of passion that burnt in them without people staring at them.

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