Chapter 12: 6 months

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It had been two months since Jungkook and Taehyung confessed their feelings to each other and since then their love had never wavered, and instead soared higher as the days, weeks, and eventually months went by, signifying their closeness to meeting their bundle of joy.

Taehyung's father had finally accepted his son's pregnancy, and he also couldn't wait to be a grandpa everything was going smoothly and Tae couldn't ask for more

Today, Taehyung had a doctor's appointment and he was going with Jungkook, the both of them were also excited to finally know their baby's gender.

Time skip
At the hospital

"Hello, guys," Doctor Jinyoung beamed at the expecting parents.

They acknowledged his greetings, Taehyung with a not so tight embrace, and Jungkook with a stiff nod and cursory handshake.

Jinyoung nodded, and gave a knowing smile to Jungkook.

"So, how are you guys doing today?" The oldest of the three asked looking at Tae.

"We are doing great, there is no morning sickness anymore, thankfully," Taehyung said and gave one of his boxy smiles.

"That's good to hear, now are you ready to learn the gender of your baby?" He asked, with a calming smile.

"We are!" The couple said in unison.

The brunette gestured to the doctor, to bend a little and he did after which Taehyung whispered to him, that they didn't want him to tell them the gender at that moment, because their mothers were planning a small gender reveal party for the both of them.

Jinyoung just nodded, thereafter they went to the scan room(A/N:Idk the name of the room where a scan is carried out so👁️👉👈👁️)

Tae was told to roll his shirt upwards and he looked at Jungkook who squeezed his hands in reassurance.

Jinyoung applied a gel on his stomach and he almost chuckled at the familiar cold feeling.

The blob appeared on the screen but now it was way bigger than it was when they checked it before.

Taehyung couldn't hold it in anymore, he burst into fresh tears when he saw his baby, it was he and Jungkook's baby, he could tell he or she was going to be the cutest baby in the world.

"Babe, are you okay?" The older male asked his boyfriend in a worried tone.

"I'm fine, jyung, I just feel so overwhelmed that in a few months time, we're going to have our baby in our arms,"Taehyung countered.

Jungkook smiled at him, and pecked his temple.

"So we're done here," Jinyoung said, and gave Taehyung a tissue to clean his belly.

"You can collect the results from the front desk when you're on your way out," Jinyoung said and nudged Taehyung.

"I want to discuss something with you when you're done," He said and shook Jungkook's hand again before disappearing to the second room.

The young couple looked at each other in confusion and wondered what he wanted to discuss with Taehyung.

After Jungkook cleaned Taehyung's stomach,he rolled his shirt down and proceeded or as his Mum and Jungkook secretly said waddled to Jinyoung's office.

"Sit down, Tae, I hope I'm not disturbing you," Jinyoung began.

"No, hyung, it's fine," Taehyung assured.

"Here, have it," Jinyoung beamed, and gave the pregnant male two envelopes.

The brunette glanced at him in confusion and collected the envelopes.

"That's my wedding invitation for you and Jungkook ssi," Jinyoung explained, and his pale cheeks tinted.

"Woah! Really? I'm so happy for you, hyung," He said and came over to where the older was sitting down and bent down to hug him as far as his huge stomach could allow him.

"Yeah, thanks," Jinyoung chuckled, gently patting Taehyung's back.

"Uhh, Taehyung," The doctor said after a beat.

"Hmm?" Taehyung hummed.

"I'm also expecting," Jinyoung informed, and smiled.

"This is big news, hyung, when did you find out?" Taehyung gasped.

"A week ago," Jinyoung replied.

"I'm a month gone now," The doctor said.

"Enough about me, so how are you and Jungkook doing now?" Jinyoung asked

The brunette played with his fingers and beamed.

"We confessed to each other a month ago," Taehyung revealed.

"So,you're dating now?" The other male asked.
"Yes, hyung,"

They chatted for a while, until Taehyung had to leave because he and Jungkook had to go shop for their baby's stuff.

"I was about to come, and carry you out," Jungkook huffed in a mock strict tone.

"So sorry," The younger male said and pecked his boyfriend's lips.

"Guess what, Jungkookie?"


"Hyung is getting married in the next two months," The brunette breathed out at once.

"Wow!" The ravenette exclaimed.

"Finally, he'll stop gawking at you every time," Jk muttered underneath his breath.

"Are you talking to me, Kook?"

The ravenette just shook his head, and feigned a sweet smile.

"Have you collected the results?"

"Yes," The older confirmed
"Now, let's go get our little baby clothes," Taehyung said and squealed like a five year old.

"Let's go,"

The two of them made their way downstairs and entered the car.

"I'm not gonna sleep today," Taehyung declared.

"Everytime I enter this car, I always fall asleep so I'm gonna be awake, this time," Taehyung pledged, to which Jungkook chuckled.

"Okay, we'll see," The ravenette teased.

"When do you wanna move in with me?" Jungkook asked.

"I don't know yet,"

"Why don't you move in next month?"

"You'd have gotten used to the house before the baby comes," Jungkook urged further.

"Okay, I will let my parents know," Taehyung said, and reclined backwards on the seat.

"Do you have any names you wanna name our baby?" Jungkook asked.

"Taehyung, I'm talking to you," Jungkook said, and glanced at his side to see the younger male already asleep, with a pout.

Jungkook chuckled and shook his head.

So much for keeping him company.
I'm in a good mood today so a double update for y'all 🤗
Please vote and share this story to your friends I'll see if I can update tomorrow if not then on Saturday
Borahae 💜💜

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