you wanna hurt me

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The savory aroma of the dinner Dosse had cooked filled my nose. I got myself up from the couch, seeing no sight of Anthony in the kitchen.

I walked over to were she stood, taste testing whatever it is she was cooking.  I guess she could feel my gaze, so she motioned for me to come over to her.

"Here try this."

I took a spoon full of the mixed chicken and rice. It was good, and I was really hungry. So for this I was grateful. I gave an approving smile.

"It's really good."

"Well it's good that you like it." she walked over to the chair motioning for me to sit.

I sat down in the chair watching her dish out my food. She placed the food in front of me along with some tap water.

"Eat as much as you want." she says to me, rubbing my back.

She down in front of me, just staring. It was weird, I slowly chewed on my food.

"Where's Anthony?"

"I don't want you to worry about him right now, just focus on eating."

I took a big spoonful of the rice, watching her as she stared at me. "Aren't you gonna eat?"

"I don't think I can. Y- your friends came to the club yesterday." she stammered.

I swallowed hard. They were trying. It's good that they are asking around. I could be out of here in a few days if they would put me on the news or a missing persons report.

"My friends, I miss them."

"I'm sure they miss you too."

She looked down at her thumbs, twiddling with them as we spoke to each other.

"You can help me, you can do the right thing Dosse! You're not like him." I whispered trying not to draw too much attention.

She kept her eyes focused on my plate of food, frowning at what I had said.

"I can't."

"Please. You, you must-"

I could hear the front door open revealing him. I adjusted the plate in front of me. Eyeing Dosse, I hope she doesn't tell him anything I said.

"Well you car should have enough gas, for you safe travels."

She looked me in my eyes again, then back at Anthony. She opened her mouth to speak making me afraid of what she was gonna say.

I purposely knocked over my glass of water, they both looked at me surprised.

"Sorry I didn't mean to be so clumsy." I got out of my chair to clean up the glass I had broken. As I was kneeled down, I raised my finger to my mouth. Telling Dosse to keep quiet about what I had said.

"thanks." she removed herself from the chair she'd been sitting in.

She put her hands in her pockets, "I guess it was nice seeing this dump of a place you call home." she laughed.

I sat on the floor watching as she made her way to the door. I picked up the sharp piece of glass pressing it against my injured arm. I made sure to cut the glass shard cutt into my skin.

I got up right before Dosse walked out of the door, "Please! don't leave!" I cried, Anthony looked at me then at my arm.

Dosse turned around seeing my upper arm, she held her hands to her mouth.


"This? Is nothing. Compared to what he'll do to me when you leave." I cried, as I grasped the shard in my hands.

I felt the blood tickle on the floor, I dropped it. " Please, stay!" I winced as moved my hand.


I sat up straight from my seat as he cleaned my cuts. He kissed at his teeth and as he wrapped my hand.

"You know if this gets infected, well have to cut your hand off." he joked.

I took my hand away as he laughed at his own joke. " That's not funny at all."

Dosse was hesitant on leaving me. But Anthony hadn't even cared about her concern for me at all. He was so cold, I hated him. I hated him so much.

"Was it really necessary for you to do that? I can't be nice to you if you're doing shit like this." he says playing with my fingers.

"You don't care about me, so stop acting like you do!" my voice accidentally raised at him.

I knew he was gonna get angry with me so I prepared myself to get hit. But he just looked at me. He started to smile.

"Do you want to hurt me? That'll make you feel better." he smiled taking a strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

"I'll give you permission." he says lifting my hand to kiss it.

My stomach flipped as he touched at my hand. He held my hand up to his face. My breathing slowly became more rapid. As he kneeled down in front of me.

"I'm not gonna give you what you want. Why don't you just hurt yourself!"

"Suit yourself then." he leaned over to the table picking up the remote.

He stared at the screen watching the movie that appeared on it. I wanted to get up and go into another room or something. But he insisted that I stay and watch it with him.

I didn't want to cause any trouble so I just stayed there. He watched intently at the screen.

My eyes furrowed as I finally took a look to see what he'd been watching. It was this movie, a movie that that honestly traumatized me sophomore year.


I scooted over feeling a bit uncomfortable being near him. He didn't even pay me any mind. He just watched and laughed.

What was so funny about this fucked up clown, killing innocent people.

I could feel my hairs stand up on my neck as he looked over at me. "You don't like scary movies?"

I flinched hard hearing the screams of that woman on the screen. He looked at me weirdly filling the space in between us.

He wrapped me up in his arms, "There's nothing to be scared of, it's just a movie."

I wasn't sure if he was trying to prove something to me, but I didn't feel comfortable being hugged by him.

I thought about that girl, she was dead. And he threw her into that hole like she was nothing. It wouldn't be too long till I'm in a hole right next to hers.

I swallowed at my saliva pushing at his chest, "I think I'm gonna go to sleep." I said lifting myself from the couch.

He grabbed at arm pulling me closer to him, "So early?"

"Please just let me go to bed!" I screamed trying to pull away my hand.

"Calm down we can just watch something else." he spoke calmly to me.

I squeezed back in the space on the couch, he looked annoyed as he changed the movie. But he didn't look as if he was gonna hurt me.

"Jaws is good one?"

I nodded I rather see a person aten by a shark than a person. He body sat up straight watching at the screen. I moved closer at him.Pretty soon I ended up on his lap. I placed my head on his chest, hearing his heart beat.

I shut my eyes, trying to picture myself back in my room, watching one of those crappy quality movies with Sean. But I couldn't, I slowly sniffled as my tears began to bled.

I bet you Jenna's finally glad that she got what she wanted. His hands caressed at my back making me shiver at his touch.

We sat there only hearing the stupid jaws movie roar on the screen. He held his hand on my back comforting me, at least I thought so. Tiredness took over my body, letting my eyes fall asleep.

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