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Valerie stayed slumped over to her side to her side as her two bestfriends attempted to cheer her up. It was a sweet gesture, but she couldn't face them. Part of her felt ashamed that they're even seeing her like this. The nurses gave her meds, that she probably didn't even need. She just wanted everything to be over. Valerie felt like she was the troublesome one.

"How does that sound, Valerie?" Myra asked softly patting her shoulder.

Valerie had barely been paying attention to them, she was too busy consuming all her thoughts at once. She touched at Myra's hand thanking her for the gesture.

"Is it alright if you guys could head out early?" valerie whispered.

Myra looked over to Josh with a worried expression. Josh himself was unsure of what to say but he of course wanted valerie to be as comfortable as possible, even if that meant giving her the space she needed.

"Just know that we love you valerie.." he say softly to her.

"And we want you feel better soon.." myra says pulling her into a hug.

Valerie smiled at them turning back to her side, he body ached and she knew why. They departed from her, leaving her there alone. They didn't ask about the flowers because they assumed they were from Sean. It was very sweet of him. But valerie knew the flowers would end up dying in a week. She wouldn't be able to keep up with them nor would she have the energy.

Valerie heard the nurses say earlier when she had just started to wake up, that she was due to be discharged the evening. She was even notified that he father will be picking her up instead of Meredith. She wasn't okay with the idea but then again she didn't wanna get Meredith in trouble so she decided not to go against. It's not like she had a choice anyways.

As she changed out of her clothes and into the ones she was wearing at the police station that day, she decided to take a look at the flowers. It was sweet of him, but she didn't want his flowers, she didn't have time for them. She smelled them, they smelled nice. It did come with a card, which really brightened her mood, it's either she was really excited or the meds they had her on had her thinking too happy.

It read, "For you my love until i see you again."

Her eyebrows furrowed, she thought it was a little corny considering the fact that she saw him the other day. A knock sounded from the door, she quickly placed the flowers back on the table.

"Come in.."

Lance stepped inside greeting his child with a hug, she wasn't expecting him to react this way but she felt like kid again in her dads arms. He broke away kissing her forehead along with smoothing out her hair.

"How you feeling kiddo?"

"Dizzy and my back is killing me.." valerie's says with a small pout.

"You'll feel a lot better once we get out of here." lance said with a tight lipped smile.

Valerie smiled as she remembered her fathers absolute hatred for hospitals. He didn't trust the doctors  one bit. Which is why, he's more of a i'd rather suffer than go into a hospital kind of guy. But I guess meeting rachael changed him in some way.

He eyebrows furrowed.


She wasn't exactly close close with her stepmother. To be honest Valerie didn't even wanna call her stepmother because she knew Rachael hatred her moms guts, she proved that the day Valerie was sexually molested by their old neighborhood friend, Junior.  She wasn't prepared for how'll she'd have to act in order to stay in Rachael good graces.

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