I need her

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I peeked my head downstairs to seeing her shudder from the cold air down there.

I turned my head still seeing my father sound asleep on the couch. I crept downstairs and ran to my mother's side as I got to the bottom.

"Mommy! Wake up!" I violently shook her, trying to awake her from her depressive state.

"Mom! Please!"

She looked at me, her skin had turned so pale. Her lips were cracked and dry from being dehydrated. Mommy had been down here for a long time.

"Go Anthony. Let me be." she cried.

"But mommy-"

"Grab your brother. Make sure you pack everything you need for him. And leave. Find the neares-"

Wake up!

Wake up you piece of shit!

Wake the fuck up!

Find her! Take her!

"Anthony why?"


I nearly jumped out of my bed hearing her voice. I rubbed at my eyes seeing the time on the clock.


"Fuck." I rubbed at my neck.

I removed myself from the comfort of my bed and headed straight to the kitchen for something to drink.

I wanted her so badly.

I wanted to taste her sweet, sweet core. She probably didn't want to see me again. But I didn't care. I needed her, even if that meant taking her away from him.

The thought of her just turned me on, that night. The night were I gave it to her like she was nothing.

I couldn't control my urges. I need Valerie. I want her to be mines.


I drove in her neighborhood parking discreetly away from her house. The lights weren't on. And I didn't know if she had been asleep or not.

But then again it was late. I opened the door walking out onto her porch. I knocked on the door. I furrowed my eyebrows as I tried to turn the knob.

It was open. I stepped inside the house appeared to be empty. I crept around noticing how empty it had felt in here.

where is she.

I walked in what I assumed to be her room. Since it had the most stuff in it. It was a bit messy but I didnt care. He took a walk around her room touching and examining everything that came into his sight.

I smiled to myself as I smelled her pillows. It smells just like her. Sadly, it still didn't meet my satisfaction.

"Where the fuck is she?" I gripped her at her pillow throwing it at the wall. 

The thought of her just made my mind race and go wild. I gritted at my teeth trying to hold back my anger.

I re-adjusted the piece had around my hip. And slowly started to doze off.


I woke up hearing the front door slam. I quickly got up and locked her door constiplating on where to hide. I shoved myself into her closet before she was even able to unlock her door.

I realized shortly how early it had been. She busted into her room kicking her shoes off.

"Yeah we kinda made it official last night." she giggled.

I couldn't excatly hear what the other person on the phone had been saying but I'm sure it would explain what she was saying at this moment.

I could see her smiling through the closet. What could she possibly be smiling about.

"I don't know, right now he kinda has a hang over I might see him a little bit later on."


She had been talking about Sean. He made my blood boil. I watched while she took off her shirt then her bra. I wanted so badly to touch her.

She stood into her room fully naked , her body seemed to be glowing to me. Valerie had put her towel over her body and walked out of her room.

I assumed she was gonna take a shower. I waited a while before going to watch her. I stepped out of the closet, I could hear her start the pipe already.

I stepped into the living room proceeding across to the bathroom. The door was creaked opened for me peer my head out at her. I walked in sitting myself on her toilet. I slipped her phone into my pocket.

I could hear her drop the soap bar a couple of times. I smirked to myself as I imagined the thought of her bending down to pick it up.

I pulled my gun from around my waist placing it on the bathroom sink.  She finally shut off the pipe revealing herself to me.

A gasp escaped from her lips as she attempted to cover her body without her towel.

I smiled at her raising a finger to lips. I threw her the towel she had wrapped herself in earlier.

"Come on out. I'm not gonna hurt you." I say as I gave her my hand while she stepped out of the tub.


"Shhh." I snatched her up by the arm , pressing myself and the gun against her body.

I could hear her start to cry as she guided me to her room. I loosened my grip on her to lock her door. As I did that she ran straight to her bed curling herself up into a ball.

"I missed you." I said as sitting on top of her bed.

"Why are you doing this?" she cried.

"I said I missed you!" I could hear another gasp escape from her lips.

I moved closer to her rubbing at her leg. She started to breath heavily as my hand reach up to her thigh area.

I couldn't contain myself any longer, I pulled her legs closer to my undoing her towel.

"Anthony- "

"Shh." I pushed her legs apart forcing myself between them. I could hear choke as I placed my head on her breast.

I lifted my head up from her chest and slowly planted kisses on her collarbone.

I could hear her crying get louder as I my hands grazed at her thigh. I unattached myself from her neck and looked into her eyes.

I wiped her tears away cupping her cheek. "You're really scaring me." she cried as she pushed away at my lower body.

I pulled the gun closer to her pointing it towards her stomach. She shuddered as I separated myself from her body.

"Get dressed."

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