private disscussons pt 2

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The latina girl frowned as the woman asked her for more booze, she looked around for what Rachael assumed to be the other woman who has actually been running the bar. She gently poured more of the drink into her cup. She shook her head after, "I think that's enough for you."

"Oh come on that was barely even a shot!" Rachael demanded.

"Listen your tab is already past 100 and you're still not drunk?" Dosse joked.

"If that was a joke it wasn't really funny, if you're not gonna give me more at least send that lady over here to come pour me some."

She smirked as she ignored Rachael's request. Rolling her eyes she pulled out her phone to check out how long she been out. It was going onto midnight soon. She shrugged as she stuffed it back into her purse. Lance had sent her a few messages, along with a few calls. But she didn't bother to even look at them. Rachael was so stuck in denial that she just wanted to stay there at this point.

The smell of a burning cigarette caught her attention she looked over to the guy next to her, he seemed stressed. And he was not to mention really attractive. It was bizarre but Rachael to challenge herself. She ways still young, and definitely still attractive. Sure she's gotten a bit older and maybe more curvier in the right places but she was sure of herself. Maybe a little too confident in her self.

"Excuse me, but do you mind if i could have one of those?" Rachael says with a gentle smile.

His eyes were so low, he looked deadly tired. But she didn't question it. He looked presentable and he did look a bit younger than she was, but she was willing to give it a try.

His response was handing her a cigarette he then went back to finishing his. Rachael was grateful for the generosity of the stranger, she looked at the cigarette, and held it for a while. She was in her own little world about feeling accomplished for even talking to the man.

"I suppose you need a light?" he husked as he grabbed the cigar from her fingers, lighting it for her use.

"Oh right thanks." rachael stammered.

"No problem.." he whispered.

He looked at her as if he was expecting her to do something, Rachael didn't know how but this guy, made her feel so nervous. It felt like his eyes pierced through her body.

"You're just gonna waste it?" he chuckled.

"Oh!" rachael said in surprise, she had already forgotten about the cigarette she just asked for.

"You don't smoke much do you." he said with laughter.

"Yeah..i dont really get around much either, sorry i'm Rachael. "

"Good to know." he said before putting out his bud and eyeing the bartender down.

She rolled her eyes as she poured more liquor into his cup, she tilted his head towards me. Looking over at me turned at me with an annoyed expression as she pour more in my cup.

"Oh thank you..i appreciate this.."

" Don't thank me." she said with irritable tone.

"We'll you're the only one pouring my drink so, thanks anyways. "

Dosse made a weird face before looking back to her brother and scoffing away, she didn't know if the lady was being serious or not but she was not in the mood to be dealing with drunks.

She heard the laughter from him again and proudly smiled to herself.

"Aw you're quite the jokester."

"Yeah in a way.But, what about you what's your name?"

Rachael wasn't gonna ask at first but her curious it's was starting to get the best of her. So she decided she'd ask anyways. She got this far so she thought she might as well.

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