You'll see me again

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Anthony's P.O.V

I could see her demeanor change as I asked. She just looked at me with those pretty eyes.


I took her by the hand leaving max two empty stools at her bar. She wouldn't miss us anyways. I thought. I showed her the pathway to Dosse secret room.

As we walked up the stairs it was almost like I could hear her thoughts. "You okay back there?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine."

I fumbled with the keys trying find which one was the right one. Finally opening the door I allowed her to go in first.

"Oh woah." she says before entering the room. She rushed straight to the fish tank that had all the pretty colored fish.

"You like them?"

"Yes, they are all so beautiful." she says slurring on her words a tad bit.

I chuckled as I went to the kitchen to find us something to drink. Dosse was know for having all the good stuff upstairs.

I came back to her and found her twirling around, dancing, she looked so beautiful.

I want to keep her.

I held up a glass of the prettiest white wine for her, she shook her head refusing it. I didn't mind so I just sat on the sofa.

"Anthony?" she calls out to me before I was even able to take another sip.

"Uh yeah."

She looked at me with siren eyes, she smiled as she climbed into my lap. Did you really bring me up here to see some fish?" she giggled.

"Well yeah I happen to like looking at them." her finger trailed down my chest to my stomach.

"That's cute." she says kissing my neck .


She moved her other leg on the side of mine and began to undo herself in front of me.

"You're so pretty." I whispered kissing at her breast.

She giggled, letting a soft moan escape her lips.

I let my hands slip up her dress, slapping on one of her cheeks as I ripped off the panties she had been wearing.

I fondled with her bare ass before moving my hands to her wet parts. Her head tilted back allowing me to grip her hair with my free hand.

Another moan escaped her lips before I even pushed my member inside. I looked up at her as she bit her lip.

She slowly rode me, I was eager. And I couldn't take the teasing. I grabbed a hold to her back pushing into her roughly.

She moan louder after each rough thrust I put into her. Her face got red as I looked into her pretty eyes.

"Fuck!" I shouted running my hand through her scalp, pulling her closer to my chest.

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