private discussions pt 3

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"Wait i'm afraid i don't understand what you're saying.." Rachael says with furrowed eyebrows.

Rachael and Anthony had decided to grab a bite out to eat, she was so sure Lance had been out for work now. So she didn't want to protest with him. Especially since his proposal intrigued her. She smiled as the waitress placed to plates of the breakfast slam on their table. It consisted of pancakes, eggs, sausage and bacon that was more than enough for the both them.

Rachael really just wanted the blueberry pancakes with some hot black coffee, the headache from drinking crept back up on her. She rubbed at her head as Anthony ate at the two varies of meat on the table.

"Can you please just explain to me what your saying?" she sighed regretting not taking the opportunity to take that Tylenol before they agreed to come here.

"Is the problem your husband or ex wife."

"I- i don't- understand are you like some kind of hit man or something..i'm pretty sure all i said was ridiculous nonsense.." she says trying to ignore the topic.

She could see his face change, he looked cold and odd. Rachael didn't know if she upset him or not, she rarely got anything from him. emotion wise. Rachael felt foolish agreeing to come here, and waste his time. He's just probably trying to get some kind of fuck out this. She wished that she could change back in time to undo this stress she might have caused him.

"Those feeling you have, that hatred is only gonna build up more..the only way to make it stop is if you do something about it.."

Her eyes looked at him, she seemed to finally come to an understanding with him.

"Are you talking about murder.." she replied.

He smiled silently yet so sinister she could feel goosebumps arise from her arms. He scratched at his bottom lip licking at it after before shrugging to her.

" I mean if that's what you wanna call it.."

"I-i- i love him..i can't just hurt him like that.."

"Who said we had to hurt him..i was referring to his ex wife.." he chuckled.

"How much would you even cost me to do such a thing-" she muttered incoherently, Rachael couldn't believe she was actually even considering such an idea.

"You were so sure about hurting her last night-"

"Yeah becaus-" she could feel herself getting louder with him.

"That was only because i was drunk! i didn't mean any of those awful things. i- i can't do that.." she felt a lump form in her throat, feeling as if she were on the verge of crying.

Rachael took another sip of her coffee trying to settle herself down, she couldn't help but feel like she was lying. Well part of her knew she was lying. Before Lance and her even got into a relationship he did say that his wife could potentially be a problem for them, she refused to believe him, until they started to further their journey together.

But, god, she hated that Sonya with every inch of her, that woman can sure stir up some trouble for her anytime Lance is on the right track. The truth was Rachael just wanted Lance to forget completely about his other family, but he wasn't so willingly.

She just wanted him to start over completely with her. And to forget about that whore of a wife he had and that bastard child. She never really had an issue with valerie. Rachael just didn't like the idea of his daughter having all his time. Plus the more she heard about her the more she grew to dislike her. It was only a matter of time before she ended up like her trashy mother.

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