flowers take back

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I took another sip of the cold cup of water that was given to me, then shoved my hands back into my pockets. I was intimidated by the police officers, that came in and out of the room to take my confession.

Some of them made faces as i spoke of the things, he would do to me.

"So, the person who held you captive."


"Um yes Anthony.." he sound unsure of himself when he spoke back to me.

My head started to hurt the more, they repeatedly asked me to remember little things that weren't as important, as what i told him.

"So let me get this straight, this "Anthony" held you hostage, and for this whole time you were actually kidnapped and not just a ran-away."

"I'm not understanding what the issue is i'm telling the truth! He's out there, and he may come back for me..look i don't know..he's something wrong with him! You need to find him before he harms someone's else!"

"With what information, Valerie with all due respect the information you've given us is completely useless...and some of the things you're saying isn't adding up..."

"What do you need me to elaborate on?"

"Do you know his last name? As a matter of fact is Anthony really even his real name?" the officer said with uncalled for sarcasm.

"Is there anyone else i can fucking talk to, someone that would actually listen to the shit i'm telling them and not think i'm being a ducking pathological liar!" i could feel my face redden as i shouted at him.

Detective Neville chuckled. As he shuffled around with some papers from a folder he hadn't opened earlier.

"I have some of your medical information here, and it doesn't look pretty..You're father explained to us earlier that you've had problems with you're mental health in the past, and that sometimes you harmed yourself. He also told us about the problems with your mother, he filled us in on you're depressive episodes, and your Suicide attempts."

My eyes fluttered with tears, as he revealed all of the filled papers in front of me, with my information. I wiped at my face as a single tear left from my eye. I shook my head, i was furious. This felt so unreal.


"You tell me.." he sighed and his shoulders slumped against the chair.

"No what the fuck does this have to do with anything!"

"It has a lot to do with why you're acting this're going to go somewhere where they can help you.."

"What are you talking about- are you being serious, I told you everything, about his sister, about the girl he buried, i told you all i know, all i could remember!"

He tried to calm me down, to get me to stop crying and yelling at him, i felt the shortness in my breathing, my throat felt hoarse from the screaming. I squeezed my eyes shut until i could finally hear the man's voice further away from me.

"Valerie you know better." i could feel his presence, nearly grazing all over my skin.

"Leave me alone! Get away from me! Stay the fuck away from me!"

"Open your eyes baby."

i was hesitant but abided, i open them looking around all i saw was darkness. I slowly rose from the ground, i could feel him. He was here just waiting for me to give him a chance to attack.

"Stop haunting me! Don't you see it's over! They-"

"That doesn't sound very convincing coming from you.." his hands crept from behind me and my body felt paralyzed but his touch.

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