Chapter 10

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'We need to get Ren inside.' Was Doc's first thought upon the discovery, lifting the body of his friend and heading off towards the house. 'He's not dying on me like this.'

'What about Martyn's corpse?' Keralis asked, with much less tact than intended, given the state Pearl was in. 

'We'll deal with Ren first.' Doc stopped to say, before continuing. 'He's still alive. Martyn...' Doc stopped to come up with a less-morbid way to say it. 'Isn't...' 

'Alright.' Keralis followed behind, only stopping to check that Pearl was alright. Once he'd confirmed that she was, he ran inside, right behind the creeper. 

Scott was standing there, waiting awkwardly. 

'Joel's still upstairs.' He explained. 'He doesn't want to be...' He finally comprehended what was going on, 'Wait- Ren?!'

'Martyn's dead outside too. Either Ren was attacked and he fought back in self defence, or he's the murderer.' 

'Oh my goodness... what if someone attacked both of them?'

'Ren's... response... made it sound like he'd killed Martyn. We'll have to wait until he wakes up to find out.' Pearl explained. Doc began up the stairs, Scott and Pearl followed. 

'So... does that mean we've found both the murderers? Tango's been caught, and now Ren or Martyn. If we keep Ren with Tango, just in case he did intent to kill Martyn...'

'That's... dangerous?'

'Impulse and the medical supplies are in there too.' Keralis added. But they had another problem at the top of the stairs. 

'Ok, what's going on?' Grian crossed his arms. 'According to Joel, Lizzie's dead and everyone's to blame, but Joel is Joel and now Ren's... dead?'

'Nearly dead. Hopefully he hasn't lost too much blood.'

'He was in a better state than Impulse, and Impulse survived... so...' Pearl tried to convince herself. 'Either way, Ren's a murderer, whether intentionally or not.'

'How can he unintentionally be the murderer?' Grian watched in confusion as Ren was brought into where Tango and Impulse were, the latter asleep and the former watching them accusingly. 

'What happened?' He asked. 'I heard shouting...'

There was no answer given, and Tango shut up, watching as Ren was placed on what used to be Skizz's bed, and instead fiddling with one of his makeshift hand-cuffs. 

'Stop it.' Keralis snapped back. 'You're lucky we're even keeping you alive at all...'

Tango stopped, remaining silent and watching as Pearl grabbed a healing potion, splashing Ren with it, before stepping back with a frown. 

'He'll survive I think. Don't worry.' She placed a hand on Doc's shoulder. The creeper sighed back.

'Yeah... I hope so.' 

'Right, where's Ren?' 

'Joel?' Pearl stood up, creating a human wall between the widower and potential murderer.

'Where's Ren? Grian told me he killed Lizzie and Martyn.' 

'I SAID HE MIGHT'VE DONE!' Came an irritated British yell.

'Joel, get out.' Replied Scott, refusing to hide his downright disgust. 'You're not welcome here.'

'Oh, shut up murderer.'

'I'm not a murderer. And Lizzie had it coming, considering how horrible you've been to everyone.'

It was only Keralis standing between the pair that stopped a fight from breaking out; the two stepping towards each other, and Joel's hands clenching into fists.

'No fighty-fighty!' Pearl scolded. 'Get out!' 

'Scott's insulting Lizzie. Right after she- she...' There wasn't time for Pearl to intervene before Joel had punched Scott, sending him reeling. 

'JOEL!' Finally, Pearl reached him, holding him back as he struggled, finally breaking free, tears filling his eyes, and ran. 'Joel...' 

'Let him go.' Doc replied, not looking over. Pearl sighed, helping Scott up. 

'Are you alright?'

'Joel's a maniac.' Muttered back Scott. 'I don't regret what I said.' 

'Lizzie's still dead.' 

'I know. And... and I understand how he feels.' Scott tried to hold back his emotions as he spoke. 'But Joel's been an idiot the rest of the time. He deserves to know how we felt.' 

'Still... anyway, let's tell the others what happened. Doc? Are you coming?' 

'I'll stay here. Make sure Ren survives, and check up on Impulse.' 

'If Tango tries anything, yell.' Said Pearl before she walked too walked out, biting her lip and closing the door behind. 

Ahhhh this chapter did not want to be written

But the next one should be better.


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