Chapter 19

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It was quickly decided that everyone would sleep in the same room for the last night, since all but Impulse and Pearl were already in there. After a muted dinner and the task, decided by Martyn, to bury every single body that had just been gathering morbidly and leaving a message about each one, they all had their task of deciding who'd sleep where. Doc and Martyn took their own beds, Cleo in Etho's like she had been the last few days , and Pearl and Impulse having a mini argument of generosity about who'd get the last one. Eventually, Impulse conceded, disappearing to change into pyjamas. Cleo was first asleep, already snoring peacefully before he'd got back. Doc was quick to follow suit, offering a tired 'Guten Nacht' before he too was snoring, a lot louder than Cleo, causing her to wake up and bang on the top of her bed, and thus the bottom of Doc's until he woke up so she could remind him to sleep quieter. Pearl too disappeared to find her stuff, dragging in her duvet and pillow soon after. Impulse came with her, and Martyn yawned from the top bunk, saying goodnight as she lay down to sleep. 

It took longer for the other two to fall asleep. Impulse stared up at the wooden beams above him, not knowing if he was the only one awake or not. With a shuffle, and enough noise to think he should've woken someone up with it, he stared at Etho's bed. Where the note was. 

'Impulse?' Came a whispered voice from above, distracting him slightly. He gave a 'hmm?' back, before Martyn continued. 'I'm sorry for earlier. For blaming you... I didn't realise.'

'It's alright. I never told anyone... I was too scared. I thought everyone would judge me.' 

'We won't judge you, Impulse. Whatever happened, it's over. The murderers are dead, or certainly not coming back with us. We can all try to get over it.'

'Get over it.' Echoed Impulse. 'If I can...'

'We should probably get to sleep at some point.'


'I... guess I'll see you in the morning.' 

'See you...' 

Morning came later than everyone expected. Pearl was first awake, certainly judging by what the others saw when they emerged from the midst of sleep, well into the day. 

'Heh- you've got bedhair too.' Martyn joked sleepily, yawning promptly after as he pointed at Doc, who sat up, bleary eyed, mechanics whirring audibly to life, half his face covered with hair. 

'Yeah...' Agreed Impulse from below. Cleo was still asleep, but woken by the others' noise.

'Good... morning? Is it morning? Surely it's not morning...'

'It's morning. We should probably pack.' Martyn sighed as he climbed down from his bed. His eyes were ringed red and black from tears and insomnia, but he still soldiered on. Impulse nodded, following suit, shifting position to be sitting on the edge of the bed, before eventually standing, looking as zombie-ish as Cleo. 

'Guten idee.' Doc mumbled, only able to speak German it seemed, slipping down from his bed with an audible thunk. Cleo crawled out her own nest of blankets, and followed as the other three left the room.

There was no sound downstairs probably, as Impulse reasoned, Pearl being respectful and letting the non-early birds rest. Martyn was first into the main room. 

'Ah s**t.' Was his response, stopping. 

'Very s**t.' Impulse agreed, getting a glance in at what had happened. 

'What's... s**t?' Cleo tried to get a look in, Doc's unfazed height blocking her. Impulse let her look into the room. 

Right on the sofa where everything started, Pearl lay dead. 

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