Chapter 14

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Keralis was assumed dead, Scott was definitely dead, and Grian had still not returned from the forest. This was the state the remaining group remained in shock, mostly outside, hoping that the murderer would appear from the forest and show themselves. Pearl, Doc and Cub had arrived first, with Cleo disappearing to save Keralis. Joel and Martyn had appeared later, neither speaking. Soon after Cleo too returned, finally having broken down the slowly weakening door. The fire had mostly died out, apparently, with major damage and most of the stuff in there destroyed. Keralis was officially declared dead, and she couldn't say anything else as she just sat down and cried. 

It was about an hour before they collectively decided that the murderer, nor Grian, was going to come out of the forest any time soon. So there was only one option left.

'Tango must've done this.' Decided Pearl at last. 'It wasn't any of us.'

'It might've been Ren.' Martyn offered. 'Or even Impulse...'

'Impulse was almost killed by the murderer... why would he now BE the murderer?' 

There was no reply given except a mutter of 'suspicious' from Doc. Joel sighed. 

'That was all mine and Cleo's stuff up there.' Was all he said. 

'Well, there's enough space now for you to go in someone else's room...' Replied Cub darkly. 'With Grian dead too now...'

'We should see if Tango actually did it.'

'Uhh... we know Tango did it, Doc. That's the one thing we do know.' 

'It might not've been!' Shot back Martyn defensively. 'Ren and Impulse are there as well.'

'Well, it's most likely to be Tango, since he's already suspicious.' 

'Alright, let's just see, ok?' Pearl intervened, standing up, and setting off towards the house. Joel and Martyn followed closest behind, with Doc and Cub after. Cleo stayed where she was. 

Inside, nothing had changed except the persistent smell of burning still left. No one looked at the empty tomb where Keralis still lay as they passed, instead entering The Murderer and Half-Dead room. 

Tango was there, as were Impulse and Ren. The fore and latter-most were asleep, or certainly seemed to be. Impulse was awake. 

'Wait- Impulse? You're awake?'

'I- you woke me up. Cleo was yelling about Keralis and... is everything ok? Why are there so many of you here?' 

'Ok, that's suspicious.' Martyn muttered. 'How are you awake exactly now.' 

'Wait- was that why Tango wanted me to stay quiet?!' Impulse's eyes widened. He seemed unaware, or unfocused, on the fact his clothes were still covered with blood. 

'What? Impy? What did Tango say?' 

'He appeared in the doorway not long after I'd woken up and- he saw me and told me to stay quiet before climbing out of the window and- and later he appeared again and pretended to be asleep. Did someone die?!' 

'So Tango actually is the murderer...' Doc muttered.

'Tango did this?! But why would he kill Zedaph and Skizz? Why would he do this?!' 

'We don't know. But- are you alright? In terms of almost dying?' 

'I think so... how is Tango the murderer?' 

'How am I what?' Tango groaned as he sat up. It was then that Cub noticed the string around his wrist keeping him tied up was severed apart and on the ground. 

'Impulse just told us what happened. There's no use pretending.' Joel spat. 'So you own up to killing Keralis, Scott and Grian and burning every single one of my possessions here, or you're going to be the next to die.'

'Impulse... what?' 

'Don't try to lie.' The almost-murder victim whispered back. 'Not- not after I knew you did it.'

'I didn't do anything!' Tango tried to argue. 'I just woke up and- someone set me up!' 

'Yeah, right. What do we do with him now we know?' Martyn crossed his arms. 

'Kill him.' Unsurprisingly was Joel's first suggestion. 

'What?! I'm not a murderer! Why would I try to kill you guys?'

'You literally admitted to being a murderer before! Make up your mind!' Snapped Doc. Tango tried to find a friendly face in the group, failing, eyes flicking to the floor. 

'I'm sorry.' Was all he replied. His eyes darted over to Impulse.

'Good.' Martyn walked off. Shaking his head, Doc followed.

'Someone needs to tie him up again. Stop him from escaping while we figure out what to do.' Pearl's voice was laced with disgust.

'And ensure that he's unarmed. If he cut himself free, there's got to be a knife on him... There!' Before Pearl or anyone else could stop him, Joel crossed the room, snatching up the discarded weapon.

'What about fingerprints?' Cub realised a moment too late.

'We know Tango did it!' Argued back the armed Brit. 'Now, are we tying him up or do I get to kill him?'

'Hand me the knife and let me do it.' Holding out her hand, Pearl replied. Joel glared at her but obeyed, slinking away, muttering something about seeing what he could salvage from the fire.

'Will you be ok in here?' Cub asked, edging towards the exit.

'Should be. I'll say if anything happens. Don't worry.'

'Alright, man. We should all meet up later to properly figure out whether Lizzie's death was Martyn or Ren.

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