Chapter 18

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Maybe the last chapter? 

Unless I can get 2 more out of whatever else needs to happen after this one...

The remaining 7 stood inside the murderer room. 

Cleo, Cub, Impulse, Ren, Doc, Pearl and Martyn. One of the murderers was dead, if Tango actually was a murderer. There was a very long silence. 

'Ren? Would you like to explain?' Finally, Martyn spoke. Ren stepped away. 

'I... I... killed him.' 

'Anything else?' Cleo narrowed her eyes, stepping forwards 'Why did you kill him?'

'I don't know!'

'Impulse? What happened?' Pearl decided to ask. No reply, nothing to show that he even heard her. 'Impulse?' 

'I thought he was poisoned.' Doc spoke. 'What happened?'

'He was faking.' Pearl replied. 'Because Martyn told him to. For some unknown reason.'

A nod back from Impulse. 

'Martyn dared me to... I don't know why. He just did.'


'It was a joke.' Replied Martyn. 'And to see how good he was at playing dead.' 

'Why would you need to know how good he is at playing dead?' 

'Curiosity.' Shrugged back Martyn. 'Anyway, what were you and Ren talking about earlier?'


'When I went past. Impulse was asking for something. I was listening.' Martyn coughed, before: 

 ''Tell me where it is!' 'Why would you need it?' 'You know why I need it Ren.'' He mimicked perfectly. 

'First of all, that's creepy. Second of all, why were you listening in on our conversation?!' 

'I'm a listener. Can perfectly replicate noises. And secondly, you were talking to a murderer about the location of a suspicious object.' 

'It's not suspicious!'

'Then what is it? What have you got hidden under Etho's bed?' Martyn challenged. But instead of Impulse, it was Ren that answered. 

'A suicide note.' 


'I ran into Ren killing Etho and Bdubs and... figured I could get an easy way out of this s**t without getting anyone else involved. I'd already written the note. But... but Ren apparently couldn't kill me well enough. That's why I accepted Martyn's dare. I thought I could get up here and... find a weapon to do it with.'

'Impulse... what?' Pearl stepped closer. 

'And then he came up here... and I asked about the note, that I wanted it and Tango woke up, realised what we were talking about... then asked Ren to kill him too. Because he knew he'd... he'd just be stuck here.'

'I thought Tango said he killed Etho and Bdubs.' Cleo realised, suspicion filling her voice. 'Are you telling me he lied?' 

'Yeah... there's a lot of things that don't actually make sense about Tango being the murderer.'

'That's because he isn't.' Ren replied quietly.

'Then he's covering for someone.' Decided Pearl. 'Who?' 

'Joel.' Martyn replied instantly, looking over at her. 'Or Cub.'

'Cub was at the house when Mumbo died.' Doc remembered. 'It was him and Joel there.' 

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