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Nico POV:

Walking towards the pavilion, when in the corner of my eye I saw Jason walking towards me with a huge smile, groaning to myself I began walking faster to eat lunch alone, but of course the giant caught up to me.

"Nico, come sit with us today," Jason offered as I glared at him, "lighten up, it'll be fun." he said as we continued to enter the pavilion and pile food on our plates, after going to the fire to burn the food for the gods.

"I will decline your generous offer," I replied rolling my eyes, I started going back to my table.

"Before you leave, Percy isn't here for lunch, so you might want to get him something to eat." Jason said cheekily, before walking to his table where the others were.

I cursed under my breath as I sat down at my table eating, before going up to the food and getting a sandwich with a drink, before going to Percy's cabin, only now really noticing that Percy never really hangs out with anyone anymore, not even with Annabeth, also that stupid rumour going around that this summer is Percy's last summer here.

I neared cabin three, and heard shouting, which sounded a lot like Annabeth, I couldn't understand a word as I was still far away from them, and they were inside. Once I was near enough, I heard a door slam and a second later Annabeth stormed out of his cabin, noticing me she glared at me stomping her way to me.

"This is all YOUR fault Di Angelo," Annabeth screamed, "If it wasn't for your crush on me Percy wouldn't off broken with me and we still would be a great couple." I stared in shock, not saying a word, I heard the door open behind Annabeth.

"Annabeth, enough." Percy said, making Annabeth pause, "it's not his fault that I broke up with you, it's yours thinking that you are the best and putting others down, frankly I've already had enough of you since Luke's death you have become worse of a person than when you were twelve!"

"How dare you," she shrieked, about to attack Percy when an arrow shot in front of her.

"Enough Annabeth, he's right I've had other campers come up to me and tell me what you've done," Thalia said appearing out of nowhere, "I've tried to talk with you about it but you only brushed me off stating it was nothing."

Percy POV:

The other huntresses gathered behind Thalia looking disappointed that a girl would do that, probably already knowing the full story of what is happening, as I've never met anyone who gossiped as much as them especially once they kind off accepted me.

Glancing at Nico he looked so confused and muttered 'what the fuck' under his breath.

I saw Phoebe in the back glaring at Annabeth, knowing the most since she was with me when we walked around the camp to make sure everything is safe and sound, Phoebe glanced at me.

"You owe me," I silently mouthed to her, to which she flipped me off, smirking I glanced at Thalia who was silently also glaring at me and Phoebe making us snicker and look away.

Looking at Annabeth I frowned as she was glaring at Nico as if he killed her, which isn't true as she's still here, all limbs intact even fully sane. . . maybe.

"Annabeth leave, I don't want to see you here." I said glaring at her, she stomped away muttering under her breath that she will get her revenge.

"Jeez, Thals where did it all go wrong." I asked to myself.

"I don't know," she replied in thought, walking away with the other huntresses, with Phoebe staying a bit longer only to leave as well.

"Uh, Percy," Nico asked hesitantly, "what was that about?"

"Don't worry about it," I replied chuckling, "though one thing I do advice is to not get too close to Annabeth for a while, she gets too violent when something is not going her way." whilst warning him as I stared at where Annabeth stood.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I think you know, but right now let's not talk about it?" I said turning to face him, "want some tea? I have some in my cabin."

He stared at me shocked before nodding and following me inside, as I led him to my small kitchen, perks of being the only demigod not including Tyson.

Nico sat down at the table whilst I put on the kettle, getting out two cups, put down on the table and took out some brown sugar as well in case he does drink with it.

"Black or green tea?"

"Green, please."

I sat down the opposite of him staring at him, with many questions going through my head, and many things I want to tell him but cannot yet.

"Did you want to tell me or something? You usually don't come near my cabin." I finally asked after a minute of silence. I watched as Nico ducked his head blushing a bit, inside I smirked whilst maintaining a blank mask.

"Well, I didn't see you at pavilion so I decided to come here, and this isn't the first time you weren't eating."

"So, you noticed?" I said leaning forward.

"Of course, I did," he exclaimed, "and I'm not the only one who noticed."

At that second, the kettle screamed, turning off the fire pouring it into the cups, I watched as Nico put two sugars into his tea, not looking into my eyes, taking a sip.

"You know I'm leaving right?"

"That's not a rumour!" Nico exclaimed.

"So, it's spread around huh?" I said amused, "of course not, why would it be?"

"But why are you leaving?" he asked quietly, "you love this place."

"Do I though?" I asked seriously, "I've had enough of this place, I have a family outside of this demigod business, there's no wars right now so I can leave and be done with place." glaring at the table, before smiling at Nico, "so there is you're answer, I'm done with this place and the gods as is every other demigod who stayed here longer than me, at least I have a place to go but they don't."

He stayed silent for a while mulling things over, and trying to remember who stayed here longer than me, his mouth opened in shock probably now knowing how serious it actually is.

"Is that why Clarisse, Chris, Jake and Will left this place?" Nico asked, "they have a place, I thought they didn't, I know Will's mother is still alive but he doesn't want to endanger her with all the monsters."

What he said is true, but he's not worried about the monsters but something entirely different.


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