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Percy POV:

Draco entered our shared bedroom after he got dressed in the bathroom, as I waited for him, since I woke up earlier then him, currently I was reading a book from Russia that was illegal in the British Wizarding World [BWW], if I was caught with this, I would be sent to Azkaban without a trial with no second thought, just because I come from a dark family, even though my mother and I are grey, but we lean towards the dark, though not many people know that or care enough to find out.

"Are we going to wait for Blaize and Theo?" Draco asked as he efficiently slicked his hair back.

"They already left for breakfast whilst you were in the shower." Draco paused slowly turning to me offended that I let them go without waiting for us.

Snorting, "your fault you took so long in the shower, also they knew we would wait for Nico, the devils and Neville since it seems they have taken a liking to each other." I replied.

I watched as he continued finishing up his hair, as he asked, "how are you not jealous right now?"

"Well for one I know they don't like each other romantically and barely know each, and either way we are still teens, so I doubt he even wants to date anyone right now."


"And I'm still surprised you got your letter late and no one noticed it."

We walked in silence towards the hall to get breakfast, it wasn't even 8:00 am yet, which I was grateful for, since most of the Gryffindor get here a bit after 9:00.

We stopped near the doors, to wait for the others.

"How long do you think it will take them to get here?"

"About two minutes or maybe even less," I replied staring at where I heard 4 people coming from, so now we wait.

Draco huffed, knowing I used my hearing to my advantage, but didn't anything probably thinking of a way to get me back for it.

As I said, the four of them came in less than two minutes, honestly, I thought that they would be a bit later, since Neville usually comes later, and never this early, he used to in first year, then he had a talk with Dumbledore, and started slowly coming to breakfast late, which was a shame, we were starting to get along.

At least this time round we will be able to bond.

I can't let them take him away, after all, he still doesn't know about himself fully.

Once we sat down at our table food appeared in front of us.

"Are you we will get our timetable whilst sitting here?" Neville asked quietly, to which the twins grinned, wrapping their arm around him as he sat in the middle of them, as to shield him from the other Slytherins, since the twins are honorary house mates. "Of course, we will, after all Minnie isn't the type of person to ignore her house anymore and let us all loose on the school." Like she used to be left unsaid.

"Okay, I hope so," Neville answered quietly, looking around not sure what to do.

"We know so," Draco replied, "a couple of times the twins sat here before we began our first year here," gaining a sour look, "before Potter joined, and the houses began to close off once again, if the older students don't show it, they miss the prank wars that they had in secret."

"I still don't understand," Neville replied.

"You'll soon understand with time," I answered smirking, "with us you will know every, well not every, dirty secret of this place and its people, but if you think about betraying us, we will make you regret it."

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