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Percy POV:

After Nico left, I went to get my duffle bag and my resignation papers to give to Mr. D, after shrinking my bag I went to the big house, entering from the back making sure no one sees me, I walked into the staff room where Mr. D was.

"Brat, what do you want?"

"Hello Mr. D, I see you still can't drink wine?" I replied, not answering the question taking out a bottle of wine and pouring it into an empty glass, sliding it to the god, who eyed me wearily to which I smiled also handing him my resignation papers, he frowned sipping the wine and reading the folder.

"At least I no longer have to look at your ugly mug, get out of here brat." I laughed thanking him and leaving to my moms, where she along with my trusted friends and rout.


Knocking on the apartment door, I heard as Clarisse walked up to the door unlocking.

"Look who decided to show his face." rolling my eyes I entered taking of my boots, to which Clarisse led me to where the others were, though I didn't need help with that.

"Hello rowdy bunch," I greeted them, I laughed as everyone paused what they were doing.

"The mighty king finally shows his face to us mere peasants," Will said sipping tea, rolling my eyes I threw a pillow at him, which he caught and threw it at unexpecting Jake, said person fell on to the couch as it hit him in the face.

Clarisse sighed beside me and went to get her suitcase as well as mine since I packed last time I was here.

"Where is my mother?" I asked.

"She went to buy snacks for the road trip," Chris replied without looking up from his book, "and you still haven't said where we are going?"

"Well, you will have to guess before mom gets here," I said plopping onto a single couch.

"I hope it's somewhere warm," Jake muttered under his, which made me laugh.

"Of course not, knowing Percy and his mother they don't do things normally," Will said absentmindedly.

"That's the truest thing I've ever heard." Clarisse said.

"Oh so, you all decided to bully me today," I said, upturning my nose, "rude."

"We are going somewhere cold far away from where the gods can't reach us, unless the fates or my very famous luck hits us."

"Are you saying we are leaving for Alaska?" Jake asked shocked, "It's going to be freezing there."

"Well, we are going to be on the border of Alaska and Canada, we have a place which is inherited to our family for years," I explained, "it'll be fun don't worry."

"it'll be fun he said," Will mimicked, "last time you said that we were chased by angry pixies."

"I remember that!" Chris yelped, "I thought my fur will never grow again," rubbing his side.

Clarisse sat down on to Chris's lap and kissed his cheek and leaned on him, Chris glared at me daring to say a word, to which I just smiled and leaned back not saying anything knowing his girlfriend is way more scarier than him.

"I'm home," we heard my mom yell as she entered the hall, I stood up to go help her and everyone jumped up to start tidying the place.

Walking up to her I kissed her on the cheeks greeting her, taking her bags helping her take them to the kitchen where I will help her pack the food for the trip.

My mother and I set up the lunch boxes and put them on the table for the others to pick up, once they are done, they will get it themselves and we will leave.

"Hello Miss Jackson," Will said coming up to us, kissing her on the cheeks, "you look wonderful as always."

My mother laughed, "Oh Will, stop it young man."

"But it's true my fair lady you haven't aged since we met and I was a wee pup."

I slapped Will across the head, lightly of course, otherwise my mother will have my head, I glared at him with no heat handing him his food box, which he took laughing as he left, as did my mom.

I went to the oven and took out the cookies that my mother made before the others arrived here, putting them into the box and into my mother's bag knowing the others and I will eat them before we leave.

The others came into the kitchen taking their boxes and greeting my mother before going outside and putting our bags into my mother's car.

"You should go with them," mother said.

"Nah, I left mine just out of town so they will go up ahead," I replied, helping her close the doors and bring the rest of the bags down into the car, and getting into the front seat next to the drivers.

We drove in silence for a while before I finally noticed that something is missing.

"Where is Paul?" I asked my mother.

"He left, went back to visit his family," she replied, "he might not even come back due to his background."

"Ah, yes his double secret life, but he looks so innocent," I said remembering his family background.

At the time we arrived where the others were waiting for us, I kissed my mother on the cheek, getting out of the car I took out my keys and went to my bike, and taking out my helmet putting it on.

'Shall we go?'


Revving my bike, we took off with my mother laughing at us as we did tricks, before my mother and I opened a portal to our place or near it with no humans.

Mr. D POV:

I stared as the brat left, before signing his resignation papers sipping my wine, I hummed pleased it was my favourite.

"Dionysus," Chiron called out, I sighed finishing the last of the wine and walked out of my office onto the patio, "have you seen young Perseus anywhere?"

"The brat left a couple of moments ago," I replied, "he handed me his resign papers, he won't be coming back that's for sure.

Chiron stared shocked, not sure what to do before sighing.

"He deserves this, just don't contact him."

It's true, but the boys luck still amazes me.


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