A Black Basket 28- No Contract

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A/N: AYE! Tis I *cough* Anyways I thought I'd start this author's note in the beginning cuz why the hell not? XD. I see that many are enjoying the story and leave comments and stuff about how it's great and they like it (Thank you bby) but my dear could you pleaaaaaaase vote? It would literally mean so much! I get super duper motivated when I see votes!
So imma set a lil goal.
Chapter 29 (the next chapter) that will be filled with SOOO much action you'll wanna freak out, won't be posted until this chapter has 200 votes JK JK just 22 votes! That's really easy because most of the chapters I post get more than 200+ reads after a few days. Anyways, thank you for reading this lame ass authors note, now READ TO YOUR HEART'S CONTENT XD:

Tohru was frozen, her face was expressionless and completely dead panned.

They all stared at her, even Lizzy. "What's wrong with her?" The blonde turned to Leigh and whispered in her ear.

Leigh shrugged. "No idea."

"C-C-Contract." Tohru shook.

Ciel narrowed his eyes. "Tohru."

Kyo watched Tohru. "Tohru..?"

Sebastian was ready to attack. If she mentioned the contract again, he'd have to kill Kyo and Yuki and take their souls.

Tohru frowned and looked down.
"Ciel. Contact." She couldn't make out the words.

"Ciel contract?" Kyo tried to put the words together.

Leigh's eyes widened. "SHE'S IN A CONTRACT WITH CIEL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD YOU IDIOT!" She yelled at Kyo.

Tohru quickly turned and looked at Sebastian.
"S-Sebastian you can't..kill them. I didn't say it..Leigh did."

"You mentioned the words contract..in the same sentence with my master."
Sebastian adjusted his gloves on his hands.
"Now now," He grinned lightly. "Who's soul shall I be consuming first? Yuki Sohma or Kyo Sohma?"

"Please no! Don't hurt them!"

"You broke the deal."

Tohru never agreed to that 'deal' of theirs.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Kyo yelled trying to stop the random small talk.
"I'm so confused...what do you mean contact?"

Leigh groaned. "Foolish humans, think Kyo Sohma think."

Kyo stared at Leigh. "I can't! I don't understand!"

Sebastian sighed lightly. "Oh how I wish you were a cat right now."

Ciel glared at Sebastian.
"Sebastian." He said sternly.

Sebastian let out a sigh and turned. "Do I take his soul now?"

Ciel hesitated. "U-Uh.."

"KILL 'EM!" Lizzy yelled and giggled.

"Shut up Lizzy." Ciel spat.

Lizzy turned and pouted, she crossed her arms.
"Stupid mean Ciel...I still love you though."

Ciel shuddered. "Shush!"

Kyo glared at Ciel. "You're the one that needs to stay quiet unless you're going to explain what the hell is going on!"

Ciel had an amused smile on his face. "Sebastian."

Sebastian grinned lightly and nodded. "Yes my lord."

Sebastian suddenly appeared behind Kyo. His eyes dilated, long fangs stuck out of his mouth. The night grew darker, if that was even possible. It was pitch black not even the moon illuminated the area. It was covered by blackness.

The faint glow of Ciel and Sebastian's eyes was the only light source, and that hardly helped.

"You die tonight Kyo Sohma." Sebastian murmured into Kyo's ear. He quickly spun around.

"H-Hey! Get away!" When he turned back to the group everyone was gone.

Tohru, Ciel, Lizzy, Leigh..everyone..except Sebastian.

The demon had appeared to be getting bigger and bigger.
His eyes were glowing a magenta color.

Kyo's eyes widened. "W-What?"

What was Sebastian? A monster? Kyo stared up at him. He looked down at the white and black beaded bracelet that stayed tight on his wrist.

He could easily take it off and try to fight, but who was he kidding? Sebastian looked like he could kill the orange headed boy in one shot.

"Kyo Sohma." Sebastian purred the other's name aloud.

Kyo slowly backed up. "Sebastian what are you?!"

Sebastian's face couldn't be seen, just his eyes. His black nails grew through his gloves, tearing them.

"True form." Sebastian chuckled devilishly.

Sebastian wasn't going to spare his life like he had done with Tohru. She'd broken the deal..

"Where is Tohru?!"

Sebastian growled quietly.
"You should be worrying about yourself Sohma."

"You can't kill me." Kyo backed up even more and quickly spun. He ran in the opposite direction.

"Must..find..Tohru.." He said in between long breaths.

Once he saw the mansion come into view he saw what nobody would even want to see.

It was old, dark and damaged. Like a fire had burned it all down.

Kyo pushed past the broken burnt door and ran inside.

He raced down the halls trying to escape Sebastian, who was really right behind him.

He walked past the room he had shared with Yuki and quickly stopped. He backed up and looked in the room.


"Yuki!" He yelled as he ran in.

"Everyone's dead." Sebastian whispered from behind him. Kyo turned to see no one behind him.

He approached Yuki's body.
The white bedsheets were stained red, his eyes were wide open but we're faded to a black. He was dead.

Next was Tohru..that scared him the most. The idea of having to watch or even assist her in ending this made him nauseous. He tried to keep it down as he walked into Tohru's room.

Tohru stood by the window, it looked as if she was alive.

Kyo quickly walked over and spun her around only to quickly step back and let her body fall to the ground.

The words "Broken Contract" were carved into every visible part of her skin.

She was dead...gone.

Her eyes were open and were full of fear...was that the last thing she saw before death?


Kyo turned to see Sebastian, full form..

"Sebastian..did you kill them all?" He growled quietly.

Sebastian smirked. "Poor Kyo Sohma, the last one left."

Kyo clenched his fists at his sides. "You killed them all!" He yelled.

Sebastian let out a dark chuckle. "No, I'm merely showing you what I'll do once I kill you first."

Kyo backed up he tried to escape through the open doorway, but as he turned...Sebastian was already waiting.

"I know all of the moves you're going to make, what you're going to say..I know it all."

Kyo opened his mouth and then closed it for a moment.

"Where's Ciel?"

Laaaaaa~ the author's note is in the beginning!

Goal: 22 votes for the next chapter!


A Black Basket~ {Black Butler x Fruits Basket}Where stories live. Discover now