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Y'all these our last few chapters I want y'all to show y'all love for Yes, Daddy!! Comment and Vote as much as you can let's go out with a bang!!!

Excuse mistakes & Lets enjoy the rest of the book 💓



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"Shhh... it's okay baby"I cradled Nala in my arms attempting to stop her crying but it seemed like nothing was working. She had been crying and fussing all day but I couldn't figure out exactly what was wrong with her I had fed her, bathed her and even put her to sleep but she'd only wake up every other hour.

"Shh please"I begged, honestly frustrated

Taylin had started school today so he couldn't be here to help me out, he always knows just how to soothe her it's like he had a magic touch. I signed back up for college a few months ago and today was my official orientation. I had to leave in approximately 2 hours and I hadn't even started getting ready because I've been too busy tending to her.

Luckily, Dave agreed to pick her up the days I have school which was fine with me because I most likely would struggle worse trying to do my schoolwork and take care of a fussy baby

"Are you hungry? Here's your bottle baby I'm trying to feed you"I gently slid the bottles nipple into her mouth and she began to drink it.

I let out a satisfied sigh before proceeding to lay her in her crib and place something beneath the bottle to hold it in place

Just as I walked out of her room there came 3 low knocks at the front door

Right on time, I thought to myself already knowing who it was. I rushed to open the door and there stood David. I couldn't help but look him up and down

"Uh.."I was at a lost for words as I examined his handsome face

"Can I come in?"He smiled revealing his pearly white teeth

"Yea.. yea"I opened the door wider to let him in,

"I just laid Nala down, you can have a seat while I go get her and her things"

"I actually need to talk to you about something"He said

"What is it?"

"Well"He started off "Right now isn't the right time for Nala to come home with me"

"What does that mean?"I questioned, honestly confused

"I can't take Nala home right now"Dave scratched the back of his head

"What do you mean? Like ..why not?"

"There's a lot of unresolved issues between me and Camilla and you and Camilla"

I scoffed "So this is about Camilla"

"She needs more time"

"Tsss"I shook my head and looked down at my toes trying my hardest to hide my irritation.

Yes, Daddy (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now