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Hannah's POV

The rest of the show was fun. I got to meet the 4 fans again and I followed them on all social medias.

When Magcon ended I was walking past the fans because we were leaving and I dropped my phone and it shattered.

"Guys I need a new phone so can we go to the apple store" I asked

"Yeah, but why do you need a new phone" Taylor asked

"You can have my phone" A girl said

"It's okay I'm getting a new one but thank you" I giggled and we got into the limo.

"My phone is shattered" I said and showed them

After we were done at the apple store we went to the hotel and the guys walked ahead and I seen Katy.

I started crying and the guys stopped and she came up to me and I hugged her so tight.

"I missed you so much sissy" I said

"I missed you too. And I'm sorry I never told you about who you really were" She said

"Well if you didn't my life wouldn't be how it was today and I don't really care if you aren't my sister I still love you" I said

"I love you too but I have to go" she said

"Okay bye" I said

"Bye" she said

I started walking up to the guys and I wiped my eyes and thy looked at me weird except for Hayes and Nash.

"What" I asked

"Who was that" Matt asked

"My sister Katy" I said

"But she isn't really your sister right" Jacob asked

"Yeah that was the girl on the phone and she told me that Taylor is my brother" I said and they nodded and we walked up and I felt something get put in my back pocket but I did really care.

We started going into the room but before I went in my phone vibrated but it came from my back pocket and my phone was in my hand.

I grabbed a phone out of my pocket and I read it.

'Im going to need my phone back so come to the cafeteria in the hotel please'

The boys didn't see me leave and security didn't know I left either. When I got down there, there was like 10 fans.

"Who's phone is this" I asked and a girl came up

"I didn't really think you would really come" She said

"Of course I would. I know how it feels to not have a phone" I said and she hugged me.

"Can you sit down over there real quick" she asked and I did and they all handed me stuff in a box and stuff.

"Thank you guys so much" I said and I saw security walk in then they practically dragged the fans out and the boys walked in.

"Why did they take the fans away" I asked

"Actually whatever can you guys help me with these" I asked and they did and I got annoyed because it's not fair to the fans I started walking into our room and I fell to my knees and started crying or fangirling.

"Happy birthday Hannah" they said in unison

"So you know them but you didn't know what Magcon was" Matt asked

"Yeah because that's o2l" i said and they hugged me

"Time for presents" Taylor said

After opening the presents which most of it was their merch plus o2l merch and stuff then I got shoes, and money/gift cards.

The next thing we did was go to this really fin place but I didn't know the name. After that's I took a shower and all of us did a YouTube video and we talked the rest of the night.

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