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Taylor's POV

Fans ran up and I stopped Breane and I grabbed her hand.

"Taylor I can't run I'm in heels" she said so I picked her up and ran to the car and put her in then I got in and we started driving.

When we got to her house I went in with her and sat on the couch.

I got up and took her parents aside to ask them a question.

"Can Breane come with me on tour for a month" I asked

"Yeah" they said in unison

I walked out of the kitchen and grabbed Breane's hand and took her upstairs to her room.

I sat on the bed and she sat beside me.

"Pack for a month" I said

"What" she asked confused

"Your going to Magcon with me" I said and she smiled big

I helped her pack and once she was done we went to my hotel and I put he stuff in my room and we went to Cameron's room.

"THERES ANOTHER GIRL" Hannah yelled and pulled her out of the room with Mahogany following.

I sat on the bed and the guys looked at me.

"Is that your girlfriend" Matt asked

"Not yet" I smirked and we talked about some random shit

"How old is she" Nash asked

"16" I said

"Oh" Cameron said and we talked about different stuff

Breane's POV

Hannah, Mahogany and I was talking about random stuff which brought us to the topic of bullying.

"I've been bullied" Hannah said

"Aw I'm so sorry" I said

"You should meet the boy who did it" Mahogany said and Hannah texted someone then Hayes came in.

"What" I said and Mahogany shook her head yes

Hayes walked over by Hannah and kissed her and the put his arms around her waste and pulled her closer to him.

"What's wrong babe" he said

"I just wanted to see you" she smiled

"Wow he must really love that girl" I whispered to Mahogany and she shook her head.

We got tired so me and Mahogany left she went to Jacobs room and I went to Taylor's room.

"Hey babe" he said

"Where am I sleeping" I asked

"With me" he said

"Okay" I smiled and laid down

Taylor and I aren't dating but we have been talking a lot and we are really close and I like him a lot. I think I might even love him...

Bullied by Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now