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Hannah's POV

It was like 2am and I woke up with Hayes' arms around me and the laptop pushing into my stomach which hurt like hell.

I got out of Hayes' grip and put Laptop away then I started vining because he was snoring but right in the middle of me recording he rolled off the bed and I started laughing and I posted he vine.

I walked over to him and he was groaning but he was half asleep.

"Hayes get up" I said

"I don't want to go to school mom" he said

"I'm not your mom" I said

"Who are you than" he asked and he still had his eyes closed

"Your fairy god mother"i said

"So I can wish for anything" he asked

"Yes"i said as I struggled with holding in my laugh

"I wish Hannah is in my life forever.. and pizza is chipotles new sauce" he said it was so cute

"Hannah really loves you with all her heart and I'm sure she will always be in your life. Okay pizza is chipotles new sauce" I said with a smile as I started laughing

"What the hell Han what happened" he asked

"So how is chipotles new sauce ?" I laughed

"What you were talking to me? I heard you" he said and his face started turning red

"I know you were talking" I laughed

"Well is what you said true" I asked

"Well yeah, I love you more than words can explain you are my world" he said and I smiled really big as he hugged me

"I love you too Hayes" I mumbled into his chest

"We should got to bed" he said

"Yeah" I said and we laid down and fell asleep

Taylor's POV

"Beane" I said

"What" she snapped

"We have to go to bed" he said

"No I am about to beat my high score" she said

"On what" I asked

"Jelly jump duhh- fuck I lost" she said and laid down

"You're too cute" I said then started turning red because I realized I said that out loud

"Aw thank you Tay" she a smiled

"Tomorrow we have nothing to do I think so would you maybe want to go to a movie or something" I asked

"..." She said while looking down

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