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Hannah's POV

After I told that to Hayes he stood up real quick and I backed up until I hit the wall but Hayes kept walked towards me.

I slid down the wall with tears flowing down my face and I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them.

Hayes leaned down by me and wrapped his arms around means I just sat there crying.

"Shh Han it's okay" he said

"Hayes I can't take it anymore. I can't take you, you always hurt me and I don't think we are working out" I cried

"A-are you breaking up with me" he asked

"I'm sorry but yes" I said and he continued to calm me down

"Do you hate me" I asked

"No never. I love you so much I will never stop." he said

"Can we still be friends" I asked

"Of course" he said

"I'm sorry. Me and Carter wasn't doing anything he picked me up and fell" I said

"I know it's okay" he said

"If it's okay why do I still fell guilty" I asked

"I don't know" he said

"Hayes" I said

"What" he asked

"I can't break up with you.. I love you" I said

"Good, I love you too" he said

"Can we just watch movies for the rest of the day" I asked

"Of course"he said and we got up and sat on the bed

"Is all that stuff you said true? You know about me hurting you every time" he asked

"No.. well every time we fight you break up with me and it hurts" I said

"I'm sorry Hannah. I love you so much and I think every time we fight if I break up with you all the pain will go away but it don't. I promise I will never hurt you in anyway again and I will keep you safe and I will always love you" he said and slipped the ring back on my finger.

"I love you Hayes never forget that. You are my sunshine, first love, my world, and my everything" I said and he kissed me passionately and it lasted for like 5minutes.

"What movie" he asked

"I don't care"i said and he turned on 22 jump street

Bullied by Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now