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Hannah's POV

"Hannah" Hayes sad in his attractive morning voice

"What" I asked and opened my eyes

"Want to go to the movies with me" he asked

"Mhmm" I said and I got up and looked at the time

"1:41 I slept all fucking day" I said a little too loud because all the guys rushed in the room and looked at me as I stood shocked on the bed

"What the hell Hannah? You're gonna wake the whole room level up" Taylor said and I fell on the bed laughing because he sounded like a frog

"Are you on something" Shawn asked

"No Taylor just sounded like a frog" I said and got up and walked into the bathroom and realized I have huge hair and I forgot my outfit

"Hey when are me going back to North Carolina" I asked

"Hannah your not going back to North Carolina we are staying here in Texas but Magcon is on break in like a week" Taylor said and my heart dropped and just went back into the bathroom

I put on black ripped skinny jeans, white crop top with an alien on it and it had a flower crown on, and lastly black All-Stars.

I straightened my hair and put a black hat on and it has 'Slay' written on it.

I walked out and all the guys were talking about something, I don't know what about because they stopped right as I came out.

While Mahogany and Breane were on their phones. I sat on the bed beside Hayes and got on my phone not talking to anyone.

"You okay" Nash asked

"Yeah, can we just go to the movies now" I asked and got up and walked out the room.

I kept walking and Hayes ran up to me and grabbed my hand.

"Baby don't worry about going back with Taylor I will girlfriend nap you" he said and I laughed

"Seriously Hayes I don't want to go back, I don't want to leave you, I can't leave you" I said

"Trust me Hannah you will live" he said and I hugged him

When we got to the movies we sat in the back row.

Later that night

Hayes and I were messing around on the bed until Matt came in.

"Guys we are going to a party" he said and I got this feeling something will happen.

"Don't worry Hannah everything will be okay" Hayes said like he was reading my mind so I got up and put on a red skater dress with black pumps.

Yeah in front of Hayes, it's not like he hasn't seen me like that before plus we are only 15 and he was getting ready too.

I went into the bathroom and did my normal makeup but I added red lipstick and I was red so was Hayes.

We left and headed to the party. When we arrived I could smell the alcohol...

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