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Hannah's POV

When I was done eating I just sat there and then I got a text. Then I started to cry.

"What's wrong" They asked

"My sisters going to have a baby and I'm not going to be there" I said

"And your crying over that" Taylor asked

"Shut up asshole" I said

"Is it that time of the month" Hayes whispered

"No" I said

"It's probably the medication" he said

"I want to go home" I said

"I know you do" he said

"Remember when the nurse wiggled the needle when they put it in" I asked

"Yeah" he said

"They caused it to bruise where they did it at" I said

"I'm sorry babe" he said and pressed the nurse button and nurses came rushing in

"What's wrong" they asked

"When can she leave" He asked

"Anytime now. And the nurse button is for emergency's only" one of the nurse said rudely

And I started to say something but Hayes cover my mouth and Taylor walked out so he could sign me out.

Hayes' POV

I had to cover Hannah's mouth because she was going to cuss the nurse out but luckily Taylor walked out with them.

When Taylor came back the nurse was with him.

"Babe don't say anything to her" I said and she nodded

"Oh when you wiggled the needle it left bruise" Hannah said and showed her

"I'm so sorry sweetie" she said and gave Taylor meds for Hannah

I helped Hannah up and she wanted me to put her on my back so I did. I would do anything and everything to make Hannah happy.

I still hate myself for bullying her but she gets upset when I beat myself up over it so I don't mention it.

We walked out and hurried into the rental cars so fans wouldn't recognize us. We drove back to the hotel and Hannah was tired so me and her went into the room and the guys went into Cameron's room.

She laid down and I laid down beside her and wrapped my arms around her waste. She kissed my cheek but it was right beside my lips.

"Tease" I groaned

"I get called that a lot" she winked

"And I should only be saying that" I said

"Obviously" she smirked and pecked me

"Okay this has got to stop" I said and kissed her passionately

Until it was broke by someone clearing their throat. It was Taylor.

Bullied by Hayes GrierWhere stories live. Discover now