CHAPTER ONE, first college paper

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There are a few things that Phoebe didn't like about college

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There are a few things that Phoebe didn't like about college. One of them was that she had to do her homework on her own. She was used to getting help from her parents, but now she has to do her homework, study for tests, and write papers all by herself. So why did she think she was ready for college? She's definitely not ready to write a paper with no help.

"Julie, please tell me you have your paper done so you can tell me how to write mine." Phoebe pleaded, walking into the living room where her roommate/best friend was sitting on the couch.

"Lucky for you, I got it done within the first two days of knowing what the assignment is." Julie smiled.

Phoebe sighed with relief and sat down beside Julie, leaning back against the couch. "Oh, thank goodness. I have no clue what to write mine about." She crosses her arms, glancing at Julie with raised eyebrows. "What did you write yours about?"

"I wrote mine about when our families went backpacking in Europe." Julie answered.

Phoebe's face lit up when she thought of an idea. She sits up straighter, smiling widely at Julie. "Julie, you're a genius!"

"Oh, I know." Julie sassily flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder with a grin.

Rolling her eyes, Phoebe chuckles and stands up. "Alright, I'm gonna go work on my paper. I'll see you tomorrow." Phoebe joked, leaving the living room to head to her room. Julie laughed, smiling at Phoebe with amusement. 


Thankfully Phoebe managed to finish her paper before the due date. She doesn't know how she managed to do that; it was indeed a miracle. While Julie wrote her paper about the summer vacation they went on with their families, Phoebe decided to write her paper about the time she got her painting put up in an art gallery for everyone to see. She had won a contest in her art class, and the prize was for the winner's painting to be put up in an art gallery. That was one of the best moments in her life because it made her realize that she really did have real talent to become a professional artist.

The bad thing is the neighbors and her and Julie's best friends haven't even started on their paper, and it's due tomorrow. And that's why she and Julie were hanging out at their place to try and help them out. Key word is try.

"Okay, have either of you started writing at all?" Julie asked from her place on the couch next to Eric.

"I got three words!" Eric beams, showing his notebook paper to Julie. Juie glances at it, narrowing her eyes when she read 'i want my mommy'. "I think that's a good start." Eric considered.

"That's a horrible start because you just said you wanted your mom. That's not a good start to a paper." Julie tells him, causing Eric to frown at her. Julie points at his paper. "And that's four words, not three, you dingus."

Eric looks back at his paper, leaning closer to look at it with narrowed eyes. "Oh hey, you're right!" He leans back against the couch with a grin. "It's better that it's four words 'cause now I'm closer to ten thousand words." Julie rolled her eyes, shaking her head even though she had a small smile.

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