CHAPTER FIVE, last tango in philly

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The core four, including Phoebe, Jack, Eric, and Julie, walked to their favorite pizza place they found nearby the apartment building they lived in. They've been going there almost everyday and often did their homework there. Phoebe began to talk about how she wanted to go to this new dance club that had just opened up. Jack, however, was clearly not really listening as he worked on his homework. 

"Jack, are you even paying attention?" Phoebe asked, annoyed.

"Huh? Yeah, of course." Jack replied, not really looking up.

Phoebe rolls her eyes. "Never mind. It's not important." 

But it was important to her, and the fact that Jack wasn't listening made her feel like he didn't care about her or her interests. "I'm gonna go get a refill." Phoebe mumbled, standing up and took her empty cup with her to where the soda station was at.

"You idiot." Julie scolded, hitting Jack's shoulder.

"Ow!" Jack winces, rubbing his shoulder and glancing at her with confusion. "What? Why am I an idiot?"

"She clearly wanted to go dancing, but you weren't even listening." Eric pointed out.

"But she said it's not important." Jack furrowed his eyebrows, confused about why this was a big deal.

Eric rolls his eyebrows. "Wow, you really are an idiot."


The rest of the night, things haven't been good for Phoebe and Jack. They've been arguing non stop about literally anything and everything. Well, at first Phoebe started giving him the silent treatment but then they started arguing. 

"Hey, Pheebs." Julie greets as she walks into the apartment from leaving her bedroom. She raises her eyebrows at seeing her best friend laid on the couch facedown. "You alright?"

"Boys are idiots." Phoebe replied, but her words sounded muffled since she laid on the couch.

"Well, that's obvious." Julie nods with a chuckle. "I talked with 'Panga and Ang earlier today and they basically said Cory and Shawn have been idiots as well, but that's normal." She said and Phoebe chuckles lightly as she nods. "Can't believe it that today Eric isn't the one who's an idiot and I'm sayin' that with love." She quickly adds, not wanting it to come off mean. She sighs when her best friend didn't make a move to get up off the couch. "Okay, that's it. Get up." Julie was getting tired of the arguing and Phoebe moping around. 

Phoebe lifts her head up, staring at her with confusion. "What?"

"Get up." Julie orders. She grins. "We're gonna go out in town and have fun. You've been moping around all day and it's so annoying."

"I rather just stay here and mope." Phoebe muttered and laid her head back down.

Julie rolls her eyes and walks over to her, pulling her up off the couch. "I hate it you're freakishly strong." Phoebe grumbled as Julie pulled her to stand up.

"Come, on. Let's go have fun!" Julie encouraged.

"Okay, okay." Phoebe caves in. She sighs, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry I'm acting like a downer. I've been arguing with Jack all day, and it's been weighing on my mind."

Julie smiles reassuringly at her. "It's okay. I know how important your friendship with Jack is to you, Phoebe. But maybe tonight, we can take a break from all the worries and just have some fun. Sometimes, a change of scenery can help clear your mind. Topanga and Angela invited us to go to that dance club you were talking about tonight. I told them we would go so now we have to go." Julie explains with a smile. "So go get dressed."

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