CHAPTER TWO, millie the young adult witch

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Phoebe and Julie were currently walking back to their apartment, just then getting back from a class they had. They noticed that Jack and Eric were in the hallway, talking to Millie, who lived in apartment 3B which was down at the end of the hall to the right. 

Phoebe smiles at Jack and Eric. "Hey, guys."

Jack smiles at her. "Hi, Bee." The two young adults missed the fact that Millie was glaring at Phoebe. Julie, however, noticed it and when Millie realized she saw, Julie raised her eyebrows challengingly with a threatening look on her face. Her way of silently saying if Millie ever tried to hurt Phoebe she would have to go through her first. Millie rolled her eyes and shook her head. 

"Hey, girls!" Eric greets, smiling at them. "I'm heading to O'Dooley's by myself 'cause Jack and Millie aren't club people, so you guys wanna join?" He looks at them pleadingly. "Please do, I don't wanna be lonely."

Julie laughs a bit and nods. "Sure, Eric, we'll go with you."

Phoebe frowns. "But I'm not a club person."

"You haven't been out in weeks, you're going." Julie said in a stern voice, grabbing her wrist and pulling her back towards the elevator where Eric was now at. "Trust me, you'll have fun."

Phoebe groans. "Fine." Her attention was brought back to Jack and Millie when she heard Millie ask him something.

"Why don't you show me your apartment?" 

Jack chuckles nervously, smiling at her. "Sure."

Eric scoffs. "Are you kidding me?" He questioned in disbelief just as the elevator door closed.


"Well, that sucked." Julie whined, closing the door behind her as she walked further into her's and Phoebe's apartment. 

Phoebe grins, taking a drink of the coffee she got. "I had fun."

"You're just happy that O'Dooley's wasn't a club anymore and that you got coffee from the Starbucks that's there now." Julie grumbled, kicking her shoes off and left them by the door before she went to sit down on the couch.

"Hey, I got you a coffee too." Phoebe reminded her, walking over to hand Julie her cup of coffee. 

Julie takes a drink of it, her eyes widening with surprise. "Wow, this is really good."

"I know." Phoebe nods. She laughs. "And I cant believe it took Eric three dances for him to realize O'Dooley's was now a Starbucks."

Julie laughs a bit. "Yeah, kinda felt bad for not saying anything 'cause it was kind of embarrassing to watch." As Phoebe gets the remote to turn the tv on and sit down on the couch, Julie grabs a blanket to put over herself. "Hey, what do you think of Millie?"

"I think she's fine." Phoebe shrugs. She tilts her head to the side. "Why?"

"I don't know. I just have this off feeling about her." Julie admits. She takes another drink of her coffee. "I mean, when you and Jack smiled at each other, she was glaring at you."

"Maybe she's just jealous because she likes Jack." Phoebe suggests. "Let's just try to be friends with her, okay? Jack finally has a girl who's interested in him and he happy. I don't want to ruin that."

"You're interested in him though." Julie smiles teasingly.

Phoebe's face heats up and she rolls her eyes. "Yeah, but he doesn't need to know that, okay? He most likely doesn't feel the same way and plus we haven't even been friends for that long. So I don't want to say anything about it. At least not yet."

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