CHAPTER SIX, christmas time

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Phoebe loved Christmas time. The cold weather, the decorations, the warm drinks. It was her favorite time of the year. That and Halloween, and Valentine's Day. And St. Patrick's Day. Okay, so maybe Phoebe loved all holidays, but who could blame her? Holidays were fun and magical. Especially the holidays when snow falls down on the ground and there were pretty lights and different decorations all over the place. It was the start of the holiday season, and Phoebe was all for it.

Phoebe went to stay with her parents for the week to celebrate Christmas with them. Julie was with her parents as well, but they were invited to the Matthews one night to celebrate Christmas with everyone and their families. It was a lot of fun. Everyone got to spend some time together, and the kids were happy to be back in their old house where all the memories happened. Phoebe's family and Julie's family always celebrated Christmas together ever since they were little girls. It was just their thing.

Phoebe was currenlty sitting in class, anxiously waiting for class to be done. She tuned out most of it when it got close to the end of class. She was fidgeting with her pencil with a bored expression, her eyes focused on the professor's back as he wrote some things on the board. When class was over, Phoebe let out a sigh of relief.

"Have a great Christmas break everyone and be safe!" The professor called out as everyone packed their things.

Phoebe stood up and slipped on her backpack before leaving the classroom. She and Jack had planned on going to the coffee shop where they met to get some coffee when they were done with classes and they happened to get done at the same time. So she was going to wait for Jack out in the hallway by his classroom. She waved at Eric and Julie when they walked past her. They both smiled and waved back at her before continuing on with their conversation. Phoebe chuckled softly when she heard them arguing about which Christmas movie was the best. She wasn't fazed by their bickering at all anymore. In fact, she was used to it.

Phoebe waved and smiled politely at some other college students she recognized from sharing classes with them when they walked past her. She jumped though, startled when suddenly a hand placed itself on her shoulder. She whipped around to face Jack, a hand over her chest as she calmed her breathing down.

"Whoa, sorry," Jack laughs. "I didn't mean to scare you." Concern fills his gaze and Phoebe couldn't help but melt a little inside. He was always so concerned about her and made sure she was alright. "You okay, Pheebs?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." She nodded. Jack gave her a small smile before wrapping his arm around her shoulders. He placed a gentle kiss to her head, his lips lingering there a little longer before they both walked out of the building together.

"So, coffee and then what? Anything else before we head back to the apartment building?" Jack asked, glancing at her with a soft smile.

"I don't know. I guess we can just go back home. Maybe watch some Christmas movies. Julie and I are decorating our apartment sometime later this week. Are you and Eric decorating your apartment?" Phoebe questioned curiously, leaning into his side as she walked with him to the coffee shop.

"We'll probably just have a small tree or something like that. Nothing too big." Jack shrugged.

"That's just sad." Phoebe chuckles. "You have to decorate! It's Christmas!" 

Jack grins at Phoebe's enthusiasm. "Alright, alright, maybe we'll add a few decorations to the mix. But nothing too over-the-top, okay?"

Phoebe laughs, smiling at him. "Deal! Just a touch of holiday spirit won't hurt."

They reached the coffee shop, the familiar bell chiming as they entered. The cozy atmosphere welcomed them, and the scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. Phoebe and Jack settled into their favorite corner, each ordering their preferred drinks. Phoebe paid for them despite Jack trying to argue. Jack then said that next time he should at least pay for her. Phoebe had rolled her eyes, but nodded and smiled. As they sipped on their hot beverages, they chatted about their plans for the upcoming Christmas break.

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