CHAPTER SEVEN, similar dates and unexpected feelings

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A couple months later Phoebe and Julie were walking down the street, discussing how hard it was to find the perfect match. "I just don't know if there's such a thing as soulmates," Phoebe frowns. "It seems like everyone we've dated has had some fatal flaw and things just never worked."

"Tell me about it," Julie replies with a heavy sigh. "I just want someone who gets me, you know? Someone who's as fun and spontaneous as I am."

"Yeah," Phoebe agrees. "I want someone who's kind and caring, but also funny and sarcastic. Someone who makes me laugh and makes me feel safe." She sighs, shaking her head. "But, I don't know if I'll ever find someone like that. Maybe I'm destined to be alone."

"No, you're not." Julie frowns. "You deserve to find love, Phoebe. You're a great person and anyone would be lucky to have you."

"Thanks," Phoebe murmurs, giving her friend a small smile. "That means a lot."

She gasps when she suddenly collided with a chest. She stumbles back a bit, blinking rapidly. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention-" Phoebe started, before looking up and seeing a young man in front of her who looked so handsome he took her breath away. She stared at him for a moment, her heart pounding. As she did this, Julie had bumped into someone as well, causing her to stumble back a bit.

"Whoa," Julie breathes, looking up at the man in front of her. She was speechless. She had never seen someone so attractive in her life. "I'm, uh, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." She apologized.

"It's fine," He replies, giving her a charming smile. "Neither was I. I'm Merrick." He reached over to help steady Julie, making her heart race.

As this happened, the young man Phoebe bumped into looks at her with concern. "Are you okay? I wasn't paying attention either, so I'm sorry." He apologized.

"I'm fine," Phoebe smiles, her cheeks pink. "I'm Phoebe. And that's my best friend Julie." She pointed over to Julie, who was talking to the man named Merrick.

"Nice to meet you two. I'm Jake. That's my best friend Merrick." Jake introduced himself, his eyes never leaving Phoebe's. His gaze made her heart flutter, and she couldn't stop the butterflies in her stomach.

"Nice to meet you, Jake," Phoebe says, feeling a flutter in her stomach as she looks at him. "And you, Merrick," she adds, giving him a warm smile.

Julie, still slightly dazed by Merrick's charm, manages to regain her composure. "Yeah, um, likewise." She stammered, offering a friendly smile to both Jake and Merrick.

Jake and Merrick were both very attractive and charming, and Phoebe and Julie were smitten. They couldn't believe their luck, running into these two gorgeous men. It felt like a scene from a cheesy rom-com. The four of them stand there for a moment, caught in a moment of unexpected connection. Then Jake speaks up, breaking the silence. "Hey, would you two like to grab a coffee with us? It seems like we all could use a break and some good company."

Phoebe and Julie exchange glances, a spark of excitement in their eyes. "Sure, that sounds great," Phoebe says, feeling a surge of hope. "We'd love to."

And just like that, the chance encounter on the street turns into the beginning of something new and exciting for both Phoebe and Julie. Who knows? Maybe fate had a hand in bringing them together with Jake and Merrick.

They headed to a nearby coffee shop, talking and getting to know each other on the way. Phoebe and Jake were ahead of Julie and Merrick, both of them walking closely. Julie was laughing, listening to the stories that Merrick was telling her. They were all laughing and having a good time. Phoebe was surprised that she was able to have such a good conversation with Jake. He was so easy to talk to and he made her laugh.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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