CHAPTER FOUR, creative writing

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It was currently Saturday so the group consisted of Phoebe, Julie, Eric, and Jack decided to go ice skating. Jack, Phoebe, Eric, and Julie enter the ice rink, wearing warm winter clothes and carrying their ice skates. The ice rink is filled with people skating gracefully, laughing, and enjoying themselves.

Phoebe looks around nervously. "So, uh, who's excited to skate today?" She never ice skated before so while she was excited to try it out, she was still nervous about it. 

Jack grins. "I am! Ice skating is so much fun."

Eric smirks. "Yeah, especially when you know what you're doing."

"Eric, don't be such a show-off." Julie teasingly said. 

"Can't help it if I'm a natural on the ice!" Eric playfully rolled his eyes as he grinned at her. They both get on the ice after putting their ice skates on. Phoebe wasn't surprised to see Eric showing his moves and she laughed when he looked surprised after seeing Julie copying his move flawlessly. Yeah, Eric probably should've known that Julie was really good at ice skating.

Jack glances over at Phoebe with a smile, frowning when he noticed her nervous expression. "Hey, Bee." He greets, walking over to her with a soft smile. He sits down on the bench by her. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just a bit nervous." Phoebe admits, biting her lower lip while looking at the ice rink, watching people who were skilled in ice skating skate around. "I never skated before." 

"Never?" Jack asks with surprise and she shakes her head in response with an embarrassed look on her face. "It's okay," He reassures her with a smile. "I can teach you. It's actually not that hard. Ice skating is easy once you get the hang of it." 

Phoebe smiles a bit. "Thanks, Jackie. I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of everyone." Then she sighs heavily and glances down nervously. " I can't believe I agreed to this."

Jack smiles reassuringly. "You won't make a fool of yourself. Just take my hand and we'll skate together."

As the friends hit the ice, Jack's holds Phoebe's hand, guiding her cautiously. Eric and Julie skate close to each other, occasionally stealing glances and smiling. At one point, Eric and Julie were skating circles around Phoebe and Jack, showing off their skills which caused the other pair to roll their eyes playfully and laugh. Julie caught Eric's eye and grins, "Looks like we're the only ones who know how to skate."

"That means we got no competition." Eric smirks. "Just what I want." He comments, grinning when Julie giggles at his comment. He shrugs. "But I wouldn't say that," He glances at Jack, who was clearly much better at skating than Phoebe was. "Jack is pretty good."

Julie shrugs, waving a dismissive hand. "So? He's not much of a competition now. He's too busy helping Phoebe."

"Yeah, true." Eric chuckled.

Meanwhile, Jack and Phoebe were slowly making their way around the rink. Phoebe stumbled a few times, but Jack was there to catch her, encouraging her along the way. As they skated, Phoebe couldn't help but feel a flutter in her stomach whenever she looked at Jack and she felt grateful for him help.

"Jack, I can't believe how good you are at this." Phoebe said in amazement. "You're like an ice skating pro!

Jack chuckles.  "Well, I've skated a few times before so I've gotten pretty good at it," He sends her a soft smile. "But thank you."

Meanwhile, from their place across the ice rink, Eric and Julie shared a knowing smile as they watch their friends.

"Do you think they'll ever figure out they both like each other?" Julie whispered to Eric.

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