CHAPTER THREE, thanksgiving

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Phoebe was so glad that it was Thanksgiving break. She needed a break from everything that has been happening. Shawn and Angela went out for two weeks, but broke up because of Shawn's two week rule - which Phoebe thinks is so stupid. Anyway, Jack and Eric got help for studying for a test from Phoebe and Julie (and Mr. Feeny). Then Shawn fell in love with a mystery girl which turned out to be Angela and Phoebe ran into her ex at the coffee shop where she met Jack. Now Thanksgiving was coming up and Phoebe was so ready for it, but it seems like the boys weren't ready for it. 

Eric had the great idea of having Thanksgiving at his and Jack's apartment. Phoebe and Julie knew the boys wouldn't be able to pull this off on their own so they suggested on helping them out which was why they were at the boy's apartment. But why Eric was trying hammering on a block of ice? The girls had no idea why and they weren't' for sure if they wanted the answer.

"Come on, you big chunk of ice." Eric said with frustration. "Be a turkey!"

"Eric," Julie puts her hands on her hips, raising her eyebrows at him. "You think an ice sculpture is necessary?"

"Yes!" Eric dramatically replies as he glances at Julie. "It's not Thanksgiving without an ice sculpture of a turkey!" He looks back at the ice with a glare. "Be a big turkey, gobble, gobble, block of ice." 

From their place in the kitchen, Phoebe and Jack exchange a glance and they both look at Eric weirdly. "It's three days until Thanksgiving, aren't you afraid it might melt?" Jack inquired.

"That's why I'm making it bigger." Eric responded in an obvious tone, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, Jack," Julie goes along with what Eric said just for the fun of it. She rolls her eyes and scoffs. "Pay attention." Jack rolled his eyes and shook his head as Phoebe smiled with amusement. 

"See?" Eric smiles brightly at Julie. "Jules gets it." Julie laughed, smiling at him with amusement.

Jack turns his attention to the oven with a smile when the oven dinged. "Alright, my pumpkin pies are ready." He cheered and with the oven mitt covered hand he opens the oven, pulling out a pie. 

"Ooh." Eric grinned, setting his ice sculpting tools down on the table and walked over to the kitchen area. 

"Here, try this, man." Jack suggested.

Phoebe's eyes widen and she grimaces when Jack digs the spoon into the pie that was soggy in the middle. She glances at Julie, who had the same grimaced look on her face and when Julie looked at her they both shook their heads. It seemed like the boys didn't even notice that Jack's pie wasn't how pies were supposed to be made. "Mmm. Look at that. It looks teriffic." Eric compliments. "Let me try this here." He took the spoon from Jack and tried the soggy pie. 

Jack looks at him curiously. "So?"

"Is pumpkin pie supposed to have bones?" Eric asked, pulling out a bone from his mouth as he set the spoon down. The girls both grimaced and Julie even silently gagged. 

"How the heck did that even get in there?" Julie questioned in disbelief.

"That's it." Jack throws the oven mitt he wore on the counter. "I'm calling the caterers. Your parents are expecting some traditional feast."

Eric sets the small bone on the counter and follows Jack into the living room. "Oh, my parents? Come on." He waves a dismissive hand. "Thanksgiving's like the least important day of the year to them. They don't even exchange gifts."

Phoebe and Julie jump, startled by the sudden pounding on the door. Eric gestures for Jack to open the door and Jack does, revealing Eric's dad, Alan, was at the door. Alan walks in with a smile. "Hi, Jack, Eric." He then notices the girls in the apartment and smiles at them. "Girls." They both smile and wave at him. "I know you guys are busy so I'm going to get right to this." Alan said, walking further into the apartment while Jack closes the door.

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