Meeting my mate.Wait say what?!?

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Hey sorry about being away so long.My life is a total mess!

Mizu's  Pov

Beep!Beep!Beep!*click*"Ugh" I growned as i got out of bed.I had a very bad headache.I walked to the shower and took a bath.The only reason i woke up at 6 am in the morning was because i was starting school today.Which,to tell you the truth,i don't really want to."Mizu breakfast is ready!"I heard my mom call from downstairs."One minute!"I called from in the shower.She would hear.I came out of the shower.I walked to the closet and pulled out my so called uniform.Which was a white blouse,black vest and a black mini skirt.Not exactly what i would call a proper uniform.I sighed but put it on anyway.Along with some stockings.Mom would squel to see me in this.


Yep.Turns out mom did squel when she saw me in my uniform.I just sighed and ignoreed her.I sat down and at my breakfast.School called at seven.Now was 06:30 am.Best i better get going."Bye guys" I called over my shoulder as i put on my school shoes and closed the door behind me.It only took me 20 minutes to reach school.With an extra ten left i headed for the office for my schedule.I knocked softly on the door.Only when i heard a 'come in'  did i enter."Ah you must be Mizura Ukita right?"A busty blond woman asked."Yes that's me"I said politely."Here is your schedule.I expect good grades from you"She said while handing me a large square piece of paper."Yes ma'am"I said.She nodded."Good my name is Tsunade.Dismissed"I thanked her and walked out of the office and went to wait by my locker.

*Several Mins Later*

"Oi"Someone said snapping me out of the light sleep i was in.My head snapped up to see a raven haired boy with an emo duckbutt look.Beside him was a pinkette haired girl with green eyes and she was currently glaring at me.I smiled at both of them as i stood up straight."Hi its nice to meet you.You must be the one i'm sharing a locker with right?"The guy nodded as we shook hands.Suddenly a spark speared up my arm,making a warm fuzzy feeling come over me.My eyes widened  just the slightest bit.I felt three specific emotions from him.Number 1 on the list was love.(Obviously).Number 2 was disdain.Probrably because he thought i was just a weak pathetic girl with a weird hair dye.I mentally snorted.I'll prove him wrong.And the last but not least emotion was hate.Reason:do not ask me.I was still hurt though,that my own MATE,would hate me.And also be with another girl.Wait that girl.That pink hair,those green eyes."Exuse me but is your name Sakura Haruno?"I asked."Yeah how did you know?"She asked, frowning.A smile graced my lips."It's me mizu your cousin"I said.Her eyes widened."Mizu?" She whispered.I nodded.Suddenly sakura hugged me tight."I missed you" she whispered.I hugged her back and smiled"I missed you too saku"I whispered."Oh yeah lemme see your shcedule"Sakura said.I handed her the paper.Her eyes scanned the paper quickly.*You have 3 classes with me,4 classes with sasuke and 2 other classes with some of my friends.*she said through the long lost mindlink.


Sorry it's so short prt 2 is coming up next and so sorry for taking so long to update

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