Chapter 7- Rebuilding Friendship

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Author's Note at the End :)

October 2nd, 2012:

I was anxiously sitting in one of the studios along with Youngmi and Jiyoung. The male members of our group were supposed to come any minute now. This would be our first meeting as a group.

Suddenly, the door opens and all three of us shoot up, holding our hands politely in front of us. The boys slowly file in, every one of them seemed just as nervous as I am. After all of them fit themselves in the studio, one of the taller boys pipes up.

"Well... we should probably introduce ourselves... I can go first to set things off. Um, I'm Kim Namjoon, born in 1994 in Incheon. I've been a trainee since 2010 and I've been in the underground rap scene for a while now, with different names and groups. So... yeah... that's me. Who wants to go next?", he finishes.

I had actually heard of him. Every trainee knew who he was. He was one of Big Hit's first trainees and had performed on one of Lee Hyun's songs already. I was surprised he hadn't debuted yet.

"I'll go next, get this over with. I'm Min Yoongi. Been here since 2010, I'm born in 93', and I'm from Daegu. Oh, and I've also been doing some underground rapping" Yoongi says quickly.

"I'm also from Daegu!", says one of the smaller boys excitedly, "Oh, uh, hi! I'm Kim Taehyung, I was born in 1995 and I've been a trainee here for a year now. I don't have all the experience these two hyungs have," he says looking down a bit, "but I will work hard and make sure not to let you guys down", he ends with a reassuring smile.

"I'm Jung Hoseok," says Hoseok stepping forward to present himself, with a contagious smile plastered on his face, "I'm born in 94', just like Namjoon, in Gwangju though. I kinda do everything, but my main thing is dancing, I used to be a part of a dance crew so that's what I'm really good at", he finishes looking down the line of boys and then making eye contact with me, his smile growing even bigger.

"Well, I'm Kim Seokjin", says Seokjin raising his hand quickly, "I'm for sure the oldest here, I was born in 92'. I'm honestly surprised I'm here because I feel my singing is just ok, but I guess my looks make up for it" he laughs, clapping his hands making everyone giggle a little bit. Seokjin definitely had confidence, but you could feel the awkwardness in the room dissipate a little bit after he said that. He seemed like a genuinely warm and kind human.

"Jokes aside, I am really honoured to be debuting with all of you and I'm going to work hard to make sure I don't let the group or the company down", he finishes seriously, but still smiling warmly.

"Um. I'm Oh Jiyoung, and kind of like Seokjin-oppa I'm a little surprised to be here", giggles Jiyoung. Everyone gives her encouraging smiles. "I was born in 1996 in Mokpo. I'm a singer, but dancing is what I love to do", she looks at Hoseok and he gives her a beaming smile back, "I've only been here since April, but I am a very hard worker, and I promise to not bring the group down", she says confidently.

Silence falls around the studio. Namjoon looks at the small boy at the end of the line. I honestly forgot he was there. It looked as if he had tried to make himself as small as possible to not have to be pointed out to introduce himself. Namjoon then looks at Youngmi and me expectantly.

"I'll go next I guess," says Youngmi, "I'm Bae Youngmi. I was born in Seoul in 95'. I also do everything, but rapping is my speciality", she finishes quickly, showing a tiny smile at the end.

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