Chapter 11- The Recording

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January 12th, 2013:

We had all been asked to go to Bang PD's office that late afternoon. When I walked in everyone was already there, including a small mochi-cheeked boy I didn't know. I look at Yoongi who was looking at me up and down, as if looking for damage. I slightly roll my eyes, ensuring he saw.

All the seats were taken, and I had refused Taehyung's offer of his seat because he looked as if he wouldn't be able to stand upright for very long, all his energy gone from crying.

"I'm glad you could all make it here, especially on such short notice and after hearing such horrible news. As I'm sure Namjoon has told you, we do plan on continuing forward with the group. However, we will be adding another member", Bang PD says, gesturing to the boy sitting apart from us, "this is Jimin. He is a vocalist and a great dancer. Knowing that Youngmi was a rapper, however, means that Jungkook will take up her rap parts, as well as continue with his singing and dancing. I know this might be a lot of pressure for you Jungkook, but I have faith you can do it and make us proud," he explains, "maybe you could all get together after this to introduce yourselves," he adds, giving Jungkook a reassuring smile.

"Yes, of course Mr. Bang, I won't let you down," Jungkook replies quietly, but confidently.

"I know her death will be hard for all of you to grasp, but we must go on. Your schedule will only start getting busier as we approach your debut date, which we have chosen as June 13th incidentally," Bang continues, "we are also going through the final process of hiring and choosing your managers. If you guys continue supporting each other, I think you can get past these hard times and still do great as a group. If you need anything or have questions don't be afraid to let the company know," he finishes, a warm fatherly smile on his face.

Namjoon looks around at all of us and says, "thank you Mr. Bang, we won't let you down". He then bowed 90 degrees, with the rest of the group and Jimin following suit.

"I'm glad to hear that, you can all go now if none of you have anything to add," states Bang Shihyuk.

Everyone stands up, bows, and files out through the door. We all headed to one of the dance studios. As I entered, I look up at the clock, 5 pm, we would usually be practicing right now I think to myself sadly. I would have never thought I would rather be dancing than sitting around talking.

I immediately sat down, back on the mirror, legs up to my chest, resting my head on my knees. Jungkook sat down next to me, nudging me, and smiling. Taehyung, Jiyoung and Seokjin sat across us. Jiyoung rests her head on Seokjin's shoulder, closing her eyes, a few tears coming down. Yoongi sat legs crossed on the wall farthest from me. Namjoon walked over to sit next to Yoongi. Hoseok was the last to enter, behind Jimin. He nods at Jimin to sit down next to him.

"Jimin, welcome to the group. Want to introduce yourself?" suggests Namjoon.

"Uh, yes of course," answered Jimin, standing up, "Hello everyone, I'm Park Jimin. I'm from Busan. I was born in 1995. Like Mr. Bang said, my specialty is dancing and singing. I know I'm replacing someone, I am really sorry for your loss," he pauses putting his head down, "but I hope you can all view me positively. I will work hard to prove myself," Jimin finished with a bow.

"Thank you Jimin," said Seokjin, "I know we're all pretty morose right now, but I promise we're usually a happy bunch. You might have to bear with us for the next few days however, sorry," he finishes, looking around sadly.

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