Chapter 2: How It All Started

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I didn't always have the Hanahaki disease. No. I started off as a normal elf without coughing up flowers and blood. It all just started out of the blue one day. Obviously there is more to that story and that is why we are here to day.

At first I didn't realize that I had hanahaki. I thought that I had a normal cold like everyone gets every now and then. All that I had was a cough and a slight sore throat. I thought that I was going to get over the cold and be perfectly fine. And that I didn't need to go to Elwin. But then one day as I was walking in one of the many hallways in Foxfire to my next class, I saw as I was walking by Keefe talking to some random girl that I didn't even know. It looked like he was flirting with her. They were close and she was stroking his arm. I don't know what I was feeling in that moment but all that I knew was that I didn't like how close they were. Now I know that I was jealous. And now looking back I think I knew what I was feeling but I was trying to push it deep down and suppress the feeling that I had been feeling about him. All the love I was feeling for him. We can get into how I fell in love with him later. But anyways. I was jealous and I didn't register at that moment. But I was just standing there for a bit staring at those two. 

Then all of a sudden, I felt a cough fit come on. I ran to the nearest bathroom because I didn't want to draw attention to myself. I made it just in time to the bathroom to feel the slight tickle in the back of my throat. I didn't know what it was, but all that I knew was that I needed to get it out. I coughed a few more times before I felt a few soft light things fall into my hands. I look down to see a few ice blue flower petals in my hands. I didn't know why they were there in my hands let alone how I coughed them up. I wrapped them up in a paper towel and stuck them in my bag so I could later look up what it meant.

I left the bathroom and continued to my next class which was the class before lunch.

At lunch it was akward. Keefe continued to try and bother me because it's Keefe and he likes doing that. He kept teasing me about my bangs and calling me Bangs Boy like he does. But I was ignoring him. I had no reason to, but after seeing the flirting in the hallway I just had the urge to ignore him. And that's what I did.

At the end of the day when all my classes were over, I  was by the leap master  waiting for Linh so we could go home to our adoptive parents, Tiergan and Prentice. (a/n: yes I do ship those two. and in this au they got married and adopted Tam and Linh and Whylie is their brother. Also Prentice is Pa and Tiergan is Dad.) While waiting for Linh, Keefe walks up to me and says, "Are you trying to avoid me Bangs Boy? You know you can't do that." Keefe said with his normal smirk on his face. I didn't give a response because at that moment, Linh came up to me and said, "Sorry it took so long. I got busy talking with my friends." "It's okay. But let's get going now." I say as I grab her arm and drag her to the nearest leap master. Just as I'm stepping into the light, I hear Keefe shout out at me, "You can never avoid me Bangs Boy."

As soon as we arrive at Solreef, we walk inside the house and are greeted by Pa. "Welcome back home, you two," He says in his usual calm soothing voice. "Glad to be home, Pa," Linh says as she takes off her shoes and heads to where the kitchen is probably going to get a snack. 

After I take off my shoes, I head that way and see dad in there with a tray of rifflepuffs and mallowmelt on the island. "How was school today," He asks in his somewhat deep voice. "It was the usual," I say taking one plate filled with both rifflepuffs and mallowmelt. "I have some extra schoolwork to do, so I'm going to eat snack in my room," I say heading upstairs. "Just don't make a mess and be down in time for dinner." "Yes Pa. I will." 

I walk into my room and shut the door. I put the snack plate that I grabbed on my desk, grabbed the very high tech computer Dex made for each of us, and lay down on my bed on my stomach. I then grabbed from my pocket the paper towel that had the flower petals I coughed up earlier in it. I set them down next to my computer and open my computer and sign in. I go to the elf version of that search browser that most humans use. What was it called again? Oh right. It's something like foogle or something like that. Anyways. I then look up what it means when you cough up flower petals.

It takes me a while for me to fully understand what I'm reading. But once I do, I learn that I have a rare disease called the Hanahaki Disease, and it's a disease that is caused by unrequited love for someone and the elf is slowly suffocated by flower petals and thorns which in the end kill them if they are not cured. And the only two ways to get rid of it is to have the elf love you back or have the surgery done. I don't like either of those ideas. I also learned that the color of the flower petals are the color of the elf's eyes. I get thinking about what elf I know that has eyes the color of ice blue. The first and only name that comes to mind is Keefe Sencen. Keefe F**king Sencen. How the hell do I love him. I didn't even think it was possible.

It takes me awhile for me to process what that meant, but I had finally come to terms and accepted the fact that I loved him. Ever since that one moment, but I pushed it down and tried to suppress it.

I kept repeating it over and over in my mind. I love Keefe Sencen. And I finally accepted it.

Hope you enjoyed another chapter today. I might even start chapter three today as well while I have ideas and idea juice flowing. Don't know if it will be posted today though.

Well, Goodbye for now, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛


Posted: Tuesday May 10th, 2022

To Be Continued

1174 Total Words

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