Chapter 9: Confessions And Flowers PT 3 FINAL

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a/n: I am so so so sorry for how long I was away and did not update this fanfic. I really missed updating it. The reason why I have not written in a while is because my computer stopped working for a while there, and even though I have the Wattpad app downloaded, I prefer to type on a computer. Also I make less mistakes typing on a computer than I do on a phone. Also there is some swearing in this chapter. There isn't a huge amount, but there still are some. Along with some dark descriptions. Now let's get onto the last actual chapter of MULFAT before the epilogue.

"Elwin! Elwin! I need your help now!" I shout as I rush into the healing center out of breath from running as fast as I could to get here. 

Elwin comes out of his office quickly shortly followed by a scream Bullhorn, his banshee. He quickly gives a scan around the room. "What is it, Keefe?" He asks before he saw the passed out Tam resting in my arms getting paler by the minute. He then looks down at the pale and covered in blood and ice blue flowers Tam. He quickly takes him from my arms and places him down on the bed closest to us. Elwin automatically starts his investigation of Tam to find out what is wrong.

Everyone else shortly after comes into the healing center. Linh is the first person to enter. She comes over and sits beside me. Marella follows Linh and stands behind her. Her hands on her shoulder slowly rubbing them.

We sit in silence, waiting for Elwin to be finished with his inspection of Tam. He gives him a few different elixirs, and comes over to us. "I have help stabilized Tam for right now, but he is in the last stage of the Hanahaki Disease. Do any of you know anything about the condition Tam is in?" The room is filled with silence before Linh breaks it. "I knew a little bit. I didn't know that he had reached this far. I thought he was still at stage 3 and we still had time to figure it out." She broke out sobbing. Marella wraps her arms around Linh and pulls her to her chest.

Linh's sobs fill the room while the rest of us are still trying to process what was just said. Sophie is the first one to come to her senses. "How long does Tam have left?" She asks looking up at Elwin. "I would have to say at most a week. But in the worst case scenario, he could die later today. He is sedated for now and will wake up in a few hours.  But the elixir I gave him should help slow the progress for now." He is silent for a second before he says, "I will leave you guys to your thoughts." Elwin walks back into his office, leaving us alone. Bullhorn follows after him.

A few hours have passed, and we are still sitting in silence. None of us have spoken a word. Linh had stopped crying shortly after Elwin had left the room. She now sits there and stares off, looking at nothing in particular. She glaces at Tam, who should be waking up soon, and then looks at me before breaking the silence. "Do you really care for Tam more than a friend?" She asks me quietly. I don't respond. I don't know how to respond. My mouth is dry, and it feels like I have forgotten how to speak. And even if I wanted to, my mouth wouldn't have worked anyways.

Linh snaps. She stands up from her chair suddenly. "DO YOU CARE FOR TAM?" She shouts at me. My voice comes rushing back to me. I stand up from my chair and shout back at her, "YES. YES, I DO. I LOVE TAM SO FUCKING MUCH! I LOVE TAM SO FUCKING MUCH IT WOULD HURT TOO MUCH TO LIVE WITHOUT HIM! I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR HIM! I WOULD DIE FOR HIM!" I fall to the ground and break down sobbing so hard. Sophie rushes over to me. She wraps me in one of her comforting hugs. I cry into her chest while quietly repeating over and over, "I love him so much. I love him so much. I don't want him to die." Sophie strokes my hair and quietly whispers in my ear, "Everything will be okay. We will get through this."

I finally calmed down after a while. We stay like that for a little bit longer before Sophie gives me a final squeeze and releases me. I carefully stand up and then wipe my eyes with my sleeve. 

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