Chaper 4: How Linh Found Out

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Linh didn't always know that I had hanahaki. She didn't find out until later on one dark and cloudy rainy day. Well at least at Solreef. It was around a month after I first learned that I had hanahaki, so I hadn't gotten that far into having hanahaki yet.

We did not have school today and Linh was supposed to be hanging out with the girls, Sophie, Biana, and Marella, in Atlantis doing some shopping or something like that. Dad and Papa were out of the house on a date together like they do when they are both free to do. And Whylie was away. I don't know exactly what he was doing, but all I know is that he was not in the house at that moment.

I had the house to myself, so I decided to practice playing a human instrument called the drums. Yes us elves have a version of the human instrument, but our music is calm and soothing and human music is louder and more chaotic. I took interest in the drums after hearing one of Sophie's human songs. So I had Mr. Forkle get me a set of human drums and anything else I would need to play them. Anyways. I put on the headphones that I was given and plugged them into an mp3 player that I was given by Sophie that had good human songs for me to listen to while playing the drums. I turned it to some random song. It started playing Wolf in Sheep's Clothing by Set It Off. I then started playing along with the song. I couldn't hear because of the music playing in the headphones and me playing the drums. So I didn't notice when someone was knocking on the front door of Solreef.

The next thing I know, I feel a hand grab my shoulder. That startles me out of the state I was in. I take off my headphones and turn around to see who it is. It's one of the people I didn't want to see right now. It was the blonde troublemaker, Keefe Sencen. "What are you doing here? And How did you get into my house?" I ask very concerned for what he did to get in here. "I came to see if you wanted to hang out with me and the boys." He says with a smirk. I didn't like the look he was giving me. "But still that doesn't explain how you got into my house." He says one word and it explains everything. "Dex." "You roped him into this!?" "Well of course I would." He says smirking once again. "Anyways. Are you coming or not?" He asks. "No. I'm in the middle of something." "Kay. Maybe another time then." "Maybe." He then leaves my room and I assume my house as well.

A little while later, I am on my bed, bored and staring off to space when my thoughts start to drift off to how a certain blonde mischief maker was in my room earlier and how he touched my shoulder. I don't know how, but my thoughts went down the route of thinking about how I will never love and how I will never have a chance with him. Because of starting to think like that, it started to set of my hanahaki and I started coughing.

Linh must have just gotten home because after I started coughing, she ran into my room and to my side. "Tam! What's going on? Are you okay?" She bombarded me with questions. I just continued coughing until a few ice blue flower petals came out of my mouth and onto my hand. I wiped my mouth with the back of the sleeve of my favorite black hoodie I was currently wearing. I look up at Linh to see her staring at the ice blue flower petals in my hand. In the calmest and most concerning tone I have ever heard Linh speak in, she said, "Tam, what's going on?" That left me with no choice but to explain that I had hanahaki.

After I explained what was happening to me, Linh said, "Tam you should have told me sooner." "I was planning on telling you, but I didn't know how to." She ignored what I just said and addressed the matter I didn't want to really talk about right now. "Tam, you should tell Keefe how you feel about him." "That's the thing. I can't, Linh. He doesn't even like me. So there's no way he likes me romantically." "Then get the surgery done, Tam." I look down at my hands. "I can't. I can't get rid of my love just like that." "Okay. It's your opinion, but Tam, I am here for you," she says before she stands up and leaves my room.

Once she leaves, I curl up in a ball underneath my super fuzzy black blanket I have and start to cry. As I'm sobbing, I say, "I'm sorry Linh. So Sorry. I can't do this." 

I ended up falling asleep crying that night. And that wouldn't be the last time that I cry about life and what was going on with me. That was just the beginning of my journy with the hardship of living with hanahaki and loving that stupid idiot. Keefe Sencen.

Well, Goodbye for now, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛


Posted: Thursday May 12th, 2022

To Be Continued

897 Total Words

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