Chapter 8: Confessions And Flowers PT 2

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a/n: The chapter that my lovely readers have been waiting for has finally arrived. I am sorry that I have kept you guys waiting for the next part. I didn't mean to take around a month to work on the next chapter, but it happened. Also you get to see Keefe's side of his story for falling in love with Tam. So be excited for that. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it. 

It's been an hour since Tam ran away from me while I was trying to confessing to him. I've searched all over for Tam. I'm so worried for him after I saw him run away. Linh is even more worried than me. That does make sense though. She is Tam's brother after all. But the look in her eyes tells me that Tam running away for no reason is the only reason she is worried about him. 

I finish looking around where I was currently and make my way back to where we set our meeting point. We all decided to look around for around an hour before we head back to the hallway where everything went down, unless somebody found any sign of Tam at all. We all meet back in the hallway.

"What are our next moves?" Biana asks calmly or at least as calmly as she can manage. Sophie has her arm wrapped around her waist supporting her. And from the looks of it, most of Biana's weight was leaning on Sophie. Just as if Sophie was Biana's emotional support right now. Linh was clutching desperately at Marella. She looked like she was ready to burst into a thousand pieces right then and there. Meanwhile Marella was doing her best to comfort LInh as much as she could with a loving embrace and soothing words. Fitz and Dex were holding each other's hands. They were comforting and calming each other down. Looking at them now, I could tell that they had their perfect match with them while mine was missing and most likely hates me. He probably doesn't even like me back. I shake my head then slap both of my cheeks with my palms. I could feel the burning in my cheeks and the start of the handprint marks on my cheeks. "Get yourself together, Keefe." I say to myself, "We need to hurry up and find Tam. It's getting really late. Does anyone have any idea of where Tam could possibly be?" I ask the group in front of me.

There is silence filling the air around us. Then a quiet voice breaks the silence. It's the voice of Linh. "Ummm." She starts, "There is this one spot he told me about that he said he was going to  take me to at some point. He's never taken me to it but, he's told me a lot about it." She finishes. "Well. What are we waiting for. Lead the way," Sophie says taking control of the situation. She looked at me and gave an assuring nod. "I don't know where it is exactly, but I have a general sense. Follow me everyone," Linh says before she takes off in the direction of heading outside.

We all follow after Linh. We don't know where we are going, but we all know that we need to hurry. As we are following after her, my mind starts to wander to how I had figured out I had fallen in love with Tam.

I was on a mission with Tam, Linh, and Marella. We had just split off from Linh and Marella and I was doing my usual messing around with Tam while he was doing who knows what. I'm just walking along when I step on something. The stone beneath my feet moves. I know the familiar feeling of a trap, and that was a trap that I just set off. The next thing I know, I hear a grinding noise coming from somewhere. I see sharp things heading in the direction of Tam. My body suddenly moves on its own.

I feel the impact of hitting the ground, but it isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I open my eyes to see that I am above Tam. I heard a grunt like the wind was knocked out of him. He then slowly opens those beautiful gray blue eyes that had a hint of silver that I had never noticed before. I internally shake my head before asking, "Are you okay?" He doesn't respond for a little bit, but when he does, he says, "Yeah I'm fine." I continue to stare at him for a little bit before Tam looks away, pushes me off him, and says, "Let's keep looking around and get this done with." All that I'm able to respond with is, "Okay."

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