Epilogue: After Effects Of Hanahaki

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a/n: This is the last official part for MULFAT. I got inspiration for this chapter from thinking about how fanfictions with the Hanahaki Disease explain at all what happens after the person is "cleared" from hanahaki. So here is my thinking. It is kinda dark. And I am sorry for that. I don't try to make it dark. But still. I hope you enjoy it.

Elwin had stepped slightly off to the side when I started my confession. But he stayed close enough so that he could quickly get to Tam if he needed him because Tam was still not in the clear yet. 

Then Tam suddenly passed out. That was just what Elwin was afraid of. "Get out of the way, Keefe. I need to see what's wrong." I stepped out of the way, but I stayed close by. "Save him. Save him, Elwin. Do your magical doctoryness. I haven't even asked him to be my boyfriend yet." Linh pulls me back and holds me in place. "calm down Keefe. Elwin can't focus on his work if you are distracting him. I'm worried about Tam too, but we need to just hope right now." That makes me break down and cry. Everyone else joins in on giving me a hug.

Elwin continues doing his job. We all are watching to see what is going on. Tam suddenly wakes up from being passed out. I want to run over to him, but I am still being held back. Tam starts coughing violently. His body convulses every time he coughs. A huge amount of the ice blue flowers and thorns continuously fall from his lips. I don't understand. I thought he had been cleared of his hanahaki, so why is he coughing up flowers and thorns.

After a good 10 minutes, Tam finally stops coughing up flowers. There is a smallish mountain of flowers and thorns coated in blood sitting on the bed. I don't know why Elwin wasn't really doing anything. 

Tam then starts vomiting blood. That is a first from what I know. I finally am able to shake everyone off of me and hurry over to Tam. I hold him in my arms. I don't care if I get anymore dirty. All I care about right now is Tam. I can feel him getting weaker. He leans himself back into my warmth. "So warm," He says very faintly. "Shh Tam. Don't try and talk. I'm right here," I whisper in his ear. "Elwin, do something." I shout. "Keefe. No need to shout. I'm working on it," Elwin says as he starts walking quickly. 

He finally comes back to us carrying many different things. He puts things down carefully before saying, "Lay him down on his back, Keefe." I do as I'm told and lay Tam down. Elwin starts doing many things to Tam. I don't care as long as it means that Tam will not die.

After a while, Tam has fallen asleep and seems to be okay. His breathing isn't fully normal, but he is able to breathe easier than earlier. Bullhorn got up and went back into Elwin's office and curled up on his bed and fell asleep.

We all took seats away from Tam's bed to let him rest. Elwin said that he was going to explain what was happening with Tam. "So do you guys know what the Hanahaki Disease is?" He asks. Some of us nod our heads while the rest shake their heads. "Well then. Let me explain for those of you who don't know what it is." He pauses for a second before he continues. "The Hanahaki Disease is very uncommon but also a very dangerous one at that. It is where someone believes and knows that the person that they love doesn't love them. It blooms from their unrequited love for a person. Flowers grow in the person's lungs. In Hanahaki Disease, there are 5 different stages. Each one is worse than the last. If you don't take care of Hanahaki Disease, then the flowers will slowly start to suffocate you, and in the end, kill you." He pauses to let the information that he just told us to sink in. "How do you get rid of the Hanahaki Disease?" Biana asks. Elwin takes a deep breath before saying, "There are two ways to take care of it. The first one is the person you like, likes you back the same way. And if not try and for get your feelings for that person. The second way is trickier and harder for people to do. There is a surgery that you can get to have the flowers removed from your lungs. But the surgery can only be done on people who are in stages 1, 2, or 3. It becomes too risky to do it at stages 4 and 5. And it's still risky at stage 3, but they can still survive surgery. Anything else about getting rid of it that you would like to know." We all shake our heads no. "If Tam was cured of the Hanahaki Disease the most recent time that he woke up, then why did he suddenly start coughing up flowers and blood." Fitz asks for all of us. Elwin lets out a big sigh. "If you are cured of hanahaki by knowing that someone loves you just as much as you do, your body has to find a way to get rid of the flowers somehow. And that way is usually coughing up the whole entire plant because it's not like the flowers magically just poof out of you body and you are all better and back to the way you were before you got hanahaki. Your body sustains some sort of damage from having hanahaki, even if it was just for a short period of time." He takes a moment to pause and let what he just told us sink in before he continued. "Now in Tam's case, he was in Stage 5 when he was cured. That means that he had a lot of flowers to get rid of because he was close to suffocating to death when you brought him in.  And with all the blood, it is because thorns had pierced through his lungs and done some severe damage to him. Luckily I was there and I had a feeling something like this might happen and was prepared, so I was able to quickly stop it before it could get any worse. Because he could have still died if I wasn't there to help him right away." Some sobs could be heard coming from some people. Silent tears fall from my eyes. I look down at my hands the best that I can with the tears blurring my vision and falling down onto my hands.

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